.. seealso::
`Pyteomics 4.0: five years of development of a Python proteomics framework
- Add parameters `semi` and `exception` in :py:func:`pyteomics.parser.cleave`.
- Add new parameter `encoding` in file writers.
- Add new parameters `write_charges` and `use_numpy` in :py:func:`pyteomics.mgf.write`.
Speed up the writing when :py:mod:`numpy` is available.
- :ref:`Indexing text parsers <indexing>`. This release introduces a family of parser classes for text files.
These parsers create byte offsets of indexed entries to allow random access by unique key or by positional index,
"rich" access by slices and, in case of MGF/mzML/mzXML, by retention time range.
All indexing parsers, text- or XML-based, now have a unified interface.
- New class :py:class:`pyteomics.mgf.IndexedMGF` is now the recommended way to parse MGF files.
It supports fast access by spectrum titles by using an index of byte offsets.
The old, sequential parser is preserved under its name, :py:class:`pyteomics.mgf.MGF`.
The function :py:func:`pyteomics.mgf.read` now returns an instance of one of the two classes,
based on the `use_index` argument and the type of `source`.
The common ancestor class, :py:class:`pyteomics.mgf.MGFBase`, can be used for type checking.
- New FASTA parsing classes:
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.FASTABase` - common ancestor, suitable for type checking;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.FASTA` - text-mode, sequential parser; does
what the old :py:func:`fasta.read` was doing. Additionally, the following subclasses perform
format-specific parsing of FASTA headers:
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.UniProt`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.UniParc`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.UniRef`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.UniMes`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.SPD`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.NCBI`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.IndexedFASTA` - binary-mode, indexing parser.
Supports direct indexing by header string;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.TwoLayerIndexedFASTA` - additionally supports
indexing by extracted header fields. Format-specific second indexes are available in
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.IndexedUniProt`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.IndexedUniParc`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.IndexedUniRef`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.IndexedUniMes`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.IndexedSPD`;
- :py:class:`pyteomics.fasta.IndexedNCBI`.
:py:func:`pyteomics.fasta.read` now returns an instance of one of these classes,
depending on the arguments `use_index` and `flavor`.
- :py:class:`pyteomics.ms1.IndexedMS1` and :py:class:`pyteomics.ms1.MS1` are available for ms1 format.
*(In collaboration with J. Klein)*
- Multiprocessing support: all indexed XML and text file parsers now expose a :py:meth:`map` method.
This method can map a user-supplied function to each file entry in separate processes (or simply
parallelize the parsing itself).
Additionally, objects returned by :py:func:`chain` functions and :py:meth:`iterfind` methods also expose
the :py:meth:`map` interface to allow parallelizing the work over multiple files and when iterating over
non-default XML tree elements.
The order of entries is not preserved in the output.
*(In collaboration with J. Klein)*
- New module :py:mod:`pyteomics.peff` implements the :py:class:`IndexedPEFF` parser for protein databases
in the new PSI standard format, `PEFF <http://www.psidev.info/peff>`_. *(Contributed by J. Klein)*
- New module :py:mod:`pyteomics.traml` implements the :py:class:`TraML` parser for the PSI standard format
for SRM data, `TraML <http://www.psidev.info/traml>`_. *(In collaboration with J. Klein)*
- :py:class:`pyteomics.protxml.ProtXML` now also supports indexing and multiprocessing.
- Removed parameter `skip_empty_cvparam_values` in XML parsers. In cvParam elements, missing "value"
attribute is now always equivalent to the case when it is equal to an empty string. This affects
the structure of items produced by MzML and MzIdentML parsers.
- Multiple fixes and improvements.