* ``machine_info`` now contains more detailed information about the CPU, in
particular the exact model. Contributed by Antonio Cuni in `61 <https://github.com/ionelmc/pytest-benchmark/pull/61>`_.
* Added ``benchmark.extra_info``, which you can use to save arbitrary stuff in
the JSON. Contributed by Antonio Cuni in the same PR as above.
* Fix support for latest PyGal version (histograms). Contributed by Swen Kooij in
`68 <https://github.com/ionelmc/pytest-benchmark/pull/68>`_.
* Added support for getting ``commit_info`` when not running in the root of the repository. Contributed by Vara Canero in
`69 <https://github.com/ionelmc/pytest-benchmark/pull/69>`_.
* Added short form for ``--storage``/``--verbose`` options in CLI.
* Added an alternate ``pytest-benchmark`` CLI bin (in addition to ``py.test-benchmark``) to match the madness in pytest.
* Fix some issues with ``--help`` in CLI.
* Improved git remote parsing (for ``commit_info`` in JSON outputs).
* Fixed default value for ``--benchmark-columns``.
* Fixed comparison mode (loading was done too late).
* Remove the project name from the autosave name. This will get the old brief naming from 3.0 back.