- `lazy_value` parameters are now cached by pytest node id only. So plugins can access the value without triggering an extra function call, but a new call is triggered for each pytest node, so as to prevent mutable object leakage across tests. Fixed [149](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-cases/issues/149) while ensuring no regression for [#143](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-cases/issues/143).
- The `ids` argument of `parametrize` now accepts a (possibly infinite) generator of ids, e.g. (`f"foo{i}" for i in itertools.count()`), just as `pytest` does. This was not always the case, inparticular when parametrizing a `fixture`. The `ids` arguments of `fixture_union`, `param_fixture[s]`, etc. now also support this pattern. Fixed [148](https://github.com/smarie/python-pytest-cases/issues/148)