
Latest version: v1.3.2

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- changed:

- `_flux_cr_ready` made public by renaming to `flux_cr_ready`
- Test information data is now primarily being input by (partially mandatory) environment variables.
Majority of old command line parameters should still work, but environment variables usage is encouraged.
This allows `pytest-helm-charts` to be easily used without the `app-test-suite`
project, which was enforcing the cmd line parameters before. The following env vars are recognised and used in
fixtures (when requested):
- "KUBECONFIG" - (mandatory) a path to kube config file used to connect to a k8s cluster
- "ATS_CHART_PATH" - path to a chart being tested (if a chart is tested)
- "ATS_CHART_VERSION" - version of the chart being tested (if a chart is tested)
- "ATS_CLUSTER_TYPE" - (informative only) type of the cluster used for testing
- "ATS_CLUSTER_VERSION" - (informative only) k8s version of the cluster used for testing
- "ATS_APP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH" - optional path to a `values.yaml` file used to configure a chart under test
(if a chart is tested)
- "ATS_EXTRA\_\*" - any such arbitrary variable value will be extracted and included in the `test_extra_info` fixture
- `chart_extra_info` fixture was removed, as the more general `test_extra_info` is available

- updated:
- `pytest` upgraded from 6.x series to 7.x


- fixed:
- 'repositories' attribute of Catalog CR is now handled


- changed:
- all the changes from beta releases below
- fixed docs issues


- changed:
- rename 'api' module to 'k8s'
- update Kustomization to v1beta2
- fixed:
- in HelmRelease, ensure 'targetNamespace' if it doesn't exist
- logging level adjusted (debug only if no errors) and added consistent log messages about creating and deleting resources
- add missing imports in


- added:
- all kubernetes API Objects targeting fixtures have now a function scoped counterpart named `*_function_scope`
- package `flux` was added to deal with Flux CRs
- changed:
- all fixture factories that create objects and delete them after they are out of scope, now
actively wait for the object to be gone. Previously, only `delete()` request was sent without
checking if the object is gone, which was causing a bunch of race conditions between test runs.
- All recursively-required missing resources are now automatically created. This usually means
that if the `Namespace` you want to put your resource in doesn't exist, it will be created
automatically for you. The same applies to `App` and the required `Catalog`.
- switch from `Callable` to `Protocol` for factory types (much better type hinting)
- all functions making API objects take now optional `extra_metadata` and `extra_spec` arguments,
which are merged with object definitions without any restrictions nor validation
- `wait_for_apps_to_run` accepts now a new parameter `fail_fast: bool = False`; when it's `True` and the App's
status ever reaches `failed`, the wait fails as well, without waiting for subsequent state changes.
- cleanups:
- all methods creating objects, but not submitting them to k8s API, match now `make-*-object` pattern
- `HTTPClient` connection object is always the first method parameter
- removed the `namespaceConfig*` arguments of `make_app_object`, as they can be now included
using the `extra-*` args
- multiple classes were moved across modules and packages to match the following rules:
- every Resource / CustomResource is a single module
- groups of API Resources (like giant swarm app platform or flux - in the future) go to packages
- `wait_for_namespaced_objects_condition` function is renamed to `wait_for_objects_condition` as it now supports
both cluster-scope and namespace-scope resources. Additionally, it allows now to pass a function for checking for
fail fast conditions in objects awaited.
- fixed:
- namespaces requested from `namespace_factory*` fixtures are now deleted only if they were created by the fixture
(and not already existing in the cluster)


- breaking change: all App CR related functions and fixtures that require information about the Catalog
the App references need now also a new `catalog_namespace` parameter

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