* Get rid of deprecated warning in pytest 3.6 (99)
* Enable using envar for password (97) * Align plugin with pytest version 4.0 (98) * Handle connection errors (95)
* Process jira marker during tests collecting (91) * Add supporting of xfail_strict ini parameter (90) * Added keyword option "skipif" to disable issue marker (89) * 401 client exception may occur when invalid creds (87)
* Dropping support for python 2.6 (85)
* Flipped fixture return value, now return True if issue is open, False if resolved (as it is documented) (83) * Always skip issue when run is False (82) * Fix potential AttributeError (81) * packaging: enforce flake8==3.3.0 for py2.6 (80) * Added docstring to `jira_issue` fixture (79)
* Jira fixture (77) * Use dict.get() in get_issue or missing field will raise KeyError (76)