What's Changed
* workaround for context managers being incorrectly treated as unreachable by type checkers by DetachHead in https://github.com/DetachHead/pytest-robotframework/pull/104
* fix docstrings on keywords that start on the next line not appearing in the robot log by DetachHead in https://github.com/DetachHead/pytest-robotframework/pull/105
* deprecate `continue_on_failure` in favor of `try`/`except` statements by DetachHead in https://github.com/DetachHead/pytest-robotframework/pull/102
* Fix keyworded context managers not exiting correctly when they raise in the `__exit__` method by DetachHead in https://github.com/DetachHead/pytest-robotframework/pull/107
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/DetachHead/pytest-robotframework/compare/1.9.0...1.10.0