- now compatible with `pytest>=7`
- merged `pytest.mark.vcr_delete_on_fail` argument `cassette_path_func` functionality into
its first argument, which is now called `target` (see the full [decorator signature](https://carlodepieri.github.io/pytest-vcr-delete-on-fail/api.html#id0))
- now `pytest.mark.vcr_delete_on_fail` `target` can take nested list / funcions ([relevant docs](https://carlodepieri.github.io/pytest-vcr-delete-on-fail/marker.html))
- added two context manager to offer alternatives to the marker: `delete_on_fail` and `vcr_and_dof` (6)
- added new [in-depth documentation](https://carlodepieri.github.io/pytest-vcr-delete-on-fail)
- added automated, strict type checking to the whole codebase (5)
- fix small edge cases bug
- refactored the whole test suite (4)