
Latest version: v2.1.0

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Python 3.6 and pytest are now minimum requirements for pytest-workflow.
This was necessary for fixing the deprecation warning issue and the issue with
the subdirectory evaluation. This also gave the opportunity to simplify the
source code using new python 3.6 syntax.

+ Using the ``name`` keyword argument in workflow marks will be deprecated
from 1.4.0 onwards. A warning will be given if this is used. For example:
``pytest.mark.workflow(name="my_workflow")``. Use the name as argument
instead: ``pytest.mark.workflow("my_workflow")``.
+ Allow running custom tests on multiple workflows. You can now use
``pytest.mark.workflow("worflow name 1", "workflow name 2", ...)``.
(`Issue 75 <>`_)
+ Add a miniwdl example to the documentation.
+ Added a ``--symlink`` flag to the CLI that changes the copying behavior.
Instead of copying, it creates a similar directory structure where all files
are linked to with symbolic links. (`Issue 96
+ Refactored the code base. Python 3.6's f-strings and type annotation were
used consistently throughout the project. Some code was rewritten to be more
concise and readable.
+ Improved speed for searching string content in files. This was achieved by
removing intermediate functions and simplifying the search function.
+ Improved speed for calculating md5sums by increasing the read buffer size
from 8k to 64k.
+ Solve issue where pytest would display a lot of deprecation warnings when
running pytest-workflow. (`Issue 98
+ Fix issues with later versions of Cromwell and Snakemake in CI testing.
+ Add correct subdirectory evaluation to fix issue where ``/parent-dir/child``
was evaluated as a subdirectory of ``/parent`` due to starting with the same
string. (`Issue 95 <>`_)
+ Fix error in cromwell example which did not allow it to remove folders


+ Added missing ``help`` section for ``--tag`` on the CLI.
+ Documentation: added usage chapter for pytest-workflow specific options.
+ Documentation: updated Cromwell example.
+ Removed redundant references to pylint in code comments and CI.
+ Remove Codacy from the CI.


+ Test against python3.8
+ Do not test on python3.5 snakemake as it crashes. Added test for python3.7
+ Fix a typo in the documentation.
+ Add tags 'wdl', 'cromwell' and 'snakemake' to the package to increase
+ Remove pylint from the lint procedure as it was very strict and got stricter
with every update, causing tests that previously succeeded to fail on a
regular basis.
+ Make sure pytest-workflow crashes when multiple workflows have the same name,
even when they are in different files.
+ Added setup.cfg to include license in source distributions on PyPI for
future versions


+ Since pytest 4.5.0 unknown markers give a warning. ``pytest.mark.workflow``
markers are now added to the configuration. Information on usage shows up
with ``pytest --mark``.
+ Updated documentation to reflect the move to conda-forge as requested on
`this github issue
+ Updated documentation on how to test Cromwell + WDL pipelines.


+ Giving a ``--basetemp`` directory that is within pytest's current working
directory will now raise an exception to prevent infinite recursive directory
+ The cleanup message is only displayed when pytest-workflow is used.
+ Added a ``--keep-workflow-wd-on-fail`` or ``--kwdof`` flag. Setting this flag
will make sure temporary directories are only deleted when all tests succeed.


+ Fixed a bug where the program would hang indefinitely after a user input

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