
Latest version: v0.4.10

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- added Receiver.queued_messages(), showing how many messages are waiting in the queue.


- fixed Sender not working with python 2. ([issue 26](, thanks Meisolsson.)


official cli support.
CLI fork not updated? That is a problem of the past!

No need for telejson any more, you can now run with the offical telegram-cli!
Connecting to the cli for sending will now surrender after given retrys, and not loop forever.
Also added a CHANGELOG file.

> It was fun to develop that json bridge by myself though, and It hurts a bit too left that behind... :cry:
> But: I learned a lot about C and git on that journy, and I can let my experience with json flow back into the original cli.
> Everybody will profit from this.

- pytg.Telegram, pytg.sender.Sender, pytg.receiver.Receiver
- sending and receiving now uses the same port.
- changed tg.Telegram() parameters: port_receive, port_send are unified to port:
tg.Telegram(port=4458) sending and receiving now uses the same port.

- Sender and Receiver both alter the resulting message dict (versus the json output):
- from -> sender (Reserved word in python)
- to -> receiver
- out -> own (out is not intuitive as not mandatory this cli has send the message but the account did.)
- peer [added] This is where you most likly want to reply to.
It will be the group where the message got send, or the user if it is a private message.
- ~~print_name~~ **removed** use "cmd" and "name" instead.
- + cmd the unique identifier string which will not change. (exception: secret chats might be replaced by a new one)
- + name is a display name. Either the first name or, if not set, the username.

- pytg.sender.Sender
- **all commands** can now raise an exception if the connection (i.e. the connecting) to the cli failed after given number of retries. You should try to restart the cli.
- **all commands** now have a retry_connect=<value> parameter (as **kwargs).
retry_connect=2 means 3 tries, first try + 2 retries. This is the *default setting*.
retry_connect=0, retry_connect=False and retry_connect=None will not retry,
retry_connect=True or retry_connect= -1 means to retry infinite times. (this was the default before.)
sender.send_msg("luckydonald", "test message", retry_connect= 10

- send_photo(): added optional attribute caption (string, max length: 140).

- send_video(): added optionalcaption parameter (max length: 140).
send_photo <peer> <file> [caption]
sender.send_photo(peer, file)
sender.send_photo(peer, file, caption)
sender.send_photo("user1234", "/path/to/image.png")
sender.send_photo("user1234", "/path/to/image.png", "This is a image")


Updates for telejson beta compatibility.
This version never got offically released before the telejson fork got replaced by vysheng's native json implementation.
In the end that was way better.


*Pytg2* (since `v0.4.1` called *pytg* again) got overhauled to version `0.3.0`, which restructures heavily,
BUT will decrease the CPU usage to around nothing.
While the old versions need to parse the cli output directly, resuling in easy ways to exploit it, now it is safe, using json internal.
You need the modified telejson-cli for that to work.
Without the parsing we don't have to poll for new output ("Hey, got anything yet? And yet? And yet? ...") but just block until we got new output.
The retrieval of new messaged is multitheaded, so you won't lose any messages if you do heavy and/or long operations between messages.

Also a nice new feature is an automatic download of files. (more about this, as soon as I get time to edit this...)


updated commands to reflect CLI changes, moved exceptions, better error output

In Detail:

- added the new commands to pytg:
- `send_typing(peer)`
- `set_profile_name(first_name, last_name=None)`
- `set_username(username)`
- `set_profile_photo(path)`
- `create_group_chat(chat_topic, user1, user2, user3, ... )`
- `chat_set_name(chat, new_name) as mirror to rename_chat(chat, new_name)`
- `rename_chat(chat, new_name)`
- `search(pattern, peer=None, limit=None, from_unixtime=None, to_unixtime=None, offset=None)`
- Moved exceptions into file to have them all in one place.
- If a message type of telegram is not supported, it will now tell you with an message.

(since commit `bb2a631`)

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