
Latest version: v0.6.0

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- Updated check for Rule 19b
- Update how metadata is collected and reported
- Add functionality to auto pick standard dictionary based on TRAN_AGS field
- Standard dictionary v4.1 is used by default if valid entry is not found
- Add is_ags3() to detect and warn about AGS3 files
- Update rule_10c()
- Added TYPE,UNIT and ABBR to standard Dictionary v4.1
- Make CLI more robust so that it does not crash invalid filepath are given


- Update tests for Rule 20
- Minor fix to check_file() [Asitha Senanayake]
- Typo in error message from rule_19a() and rule_19b() fixed
- Update error message from rule_17()
- Add rule_20()
- Update rule_5(), rule_10c(), rule_19a() and check_file()
- Fix bug in CLI check
- Add meta data to output file from CLI


- Update rule_16():
- Added two except clauses to catch IndexError and ValueError
- Madecheck for 'PA' in column more robust so that it won't crash if there
is no TYPE row in ABBR


- Remove check mark from being printed to screen with the CLI


- Add with new tests
- Add data to check convert_to_text() [Asitha Senanayake]
- Minor update to test_check_file() [Asitha Senanayake]
- Add missing group name to error messsage in rule_15()
- Fix error in rule_11c()
- Update rule_10b()
- Add rule_11()
- Added fetch_record() as helper function.
- Update format_numeric_column()
- Update rule_16()


- Added new module for check/validate AGS4 rules
- Added a 'check' sub-command to the CLI so that it can call AGS4.check_file()
- Added more helpful feedback messages regarding invalid file types provided as input arguments.
- Updated doc strings in to conform to the NumPy style
- Standard dictionary file added
- Added print messages to check_file() to indicate progress
- Update CLI to:
- Not crash when an UnicodeDecode error is encountered
- Avoid additional blank lines when called in a Windows environment
- Added functionality to AGS4_to_dict() to catch duplicate entries in
HEADER rows and avoid Pandas ValueErrors when attempting to convert to
DataFrames. User is given the option to abort operation or let program
automatically rename entries

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