
Latest version: v2.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Reverted tuple-form exec to work around bug in python < 2.7.9



* Modernize code and improve PEP-8 compliance
* Do not pass mutable values as default arguments
* Fixed __init__ to have the same signature as __new__
* Fixed class method first argument name
* Fixed class method return value for subclasses
* Fixed check for instance type in comparison function
* Fixed test for None values
* Refactored instance method into static method
* Removed unused imports
* Use dict comprehension
* Use next(iterator) instead of
* Removed policing of internal attribute
* Improved object representation
* Removed superfluous empty lines at the end of files
* Adjusted comment to better match code
* Updated some module docstrings
* Store reference to original signal on self rather than the signal module
* Replaced try/del/except/pass on dictionary item with dict.pop(item, None)
* Simplified the preserve_signature decorator
* Made preserve_signature accept any function name and removed memory cycle
* Improved check for input for NetworkRange data type
* Refactored configuration
- Renamed ConfigSectionMeta to ConfigSectionType
- Moved ConfigSection class methods to metaclass
- Added SaveState, to save a ConfigSection state
- Allow reset() to restore arbitrary save states
- Removed __tracing__ and the tracing support
- Added AtomicUpdate context manager
* Refactored time measuring code
- Turned the timer into a context manager to simplify usage
- Removed the need to write an explicit for loop with it
- Made the timer autodetect the necessary loop count
- Calculate and subtract the iteration overhead from the final result
- Added time_probe context manager to time code sections in-place
- Added measure_time decorator to time function calls in-place
* Rewrote weakobjectmap based on MutableMapping (faster)
A side effect of this change is that now __missing__ receives the
actual key being looked up, instead of objectid(key) as before.
While this makes the MutableMapping based implementation backward
incompatible, it is to be considered an improvement.
* Protect weakobjectmap's __repr__ against recursive elements
* Added defaultweakobjectmap type
* Added openfile (same as open but supports 'x' mode and file permissions)
* Have markers appear as boolean False (overwrite __boolean__ to change it)
* Removed the dependency module
* Updated the project URLs
* Removed download URL from setup
* Added __info__ module with package details
* Use the new __info__ module in
* Added package requirements
* Aggregated copyright and license info from source files into LICENSE
* Updated license file to include a link to the license
* Updated copyright years
* Updated boring file



* Added a generic thread pool in application.python.threadpool



* Fixed cleaning up weak references in weakobjectmap during shutdown



* Simplified and made ThreadLocal descriptor faster
* Added timestamp and datetime properties on notifications
* Made test more efficient
* Removed unnecessary methods
* Removed some old compatibility code
* Added missing __all__ entry in
* Changed order or arguments for timer.end() for convenience
* Added MarkerType metaclass to application.python.types
* Use MarkerType to define markers
* Ordered imports alphabetically
* Do not ignore base exceptions
* Fixed documentation example
* Added missing __all__ to
* Use MarkerType to define the markers used in
* Moved imports at the top of the file
* Added weakobjectmap implementation
* Replaced WeakKeyDictionary with newly added weakobjectmap
* Removed some obsolete backwards compatibility code
* Removed compatibility with python2.5
* Replaced some old forms or raising an exception
* Refactored Boolean data type
* Use limit instead of locally defined constrain function
* Be specific when catching exceptions
* Fixed how we access the class attribute to work with subclassing
* Added a center attribute to posted notifications



* Fixed the preserve_signature decorator to work with python < 2.7

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