I'm please to announce, to whomever may depend on this project other than me, the release of python_awair 0.1.0.
This release switches away from using the GraphQL API, as Awair developer support has indicated that the REST API gets the most attention and love going forward.
This release is a major, major breaking change - we're no longer wrapping the API in such a transparent way, and we drop support for python 3.5. The API is now accessed in an object-oriented fashion.
Test coverage has been improved, and we're using `poetry` to build the project. We pass `mypy --strict` and a few linters; and we're formatting with black. CI has moved to GitHub Actions.
Finally, docs are available at https://python-awair.readthedocs.io .
If you're reading this, thank you - and have a healthy and wonderful evening.