* python-awips naming convention will now follow AWIPS (18.1.1, 18.1.2, etc.) beginning with this release.
* New class **GetGridLatLonRequest** for lat/long requests to be made separately from gridded data requests.
* Full **Vtec** color definitions for watch/warn products.
* Sets/gets for geospatial envelope and coordinate reference system (WKT) in **GetGridDataResponse.py**
* new optional "lazy loading" of grids, where the library can wait until the lat/lon data for a grid is needed before loading. Examples of when this should be set to True are when the lat/lon information is not used or when it is used only if certain conditions within the data are met. It could be set to False if it is guaranteed that all lat/lon information is needed.
* New **DataQueue** convenience class for using the notifications feature. This is a collection that, once connected to EDEX by calling start(), fills with data as notifications come in. Runs on a separate thread to allow non-blocking data retrieval.
* New data notification class **PyGridNotification** which improves performance over requesting by datatime since it requests only the parameter that the notification was received for (instead of this and all previous parameters for the same forecast hour). However, this this fails for derived requests.
* New adapter **GeomDataRespAdapter.py** for GetGeometryDataResponse.
* New build organization for python-awips to collect the code contributions from awips2-builds, awips2-core plugins.
* New dynamicserialize classes **GetPrimarySiteRequest** and **ValidateConfigRequest**.
* Apache **Thrift** updated to version 0.10.0.