33 Returning clubs and athletes as dictionaries to facilitate searching
Other changes:
Pull Requests:
31 Improving installation and quickstart documentation and updating api for the 2017 version
Other changes:
Updating api for the 2017 version Enabling team search by slug or by name
Pull Requests:
29 Setting up tox to perform tests in Python versions 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6
Other changes:
Changed development status to "Beta" Updating README with information on how to install and examples
27 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.search_league_info_by_name" method 26 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.get_team" and "cartolafc.Api.get_team_by_round" methods 25 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.search_team_info_by_name" method 24 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.clubs" method 23 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.matches" method 22 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.rounds" method 21 Adding and configuring Sphinx to generate project documentation 20 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.schemes" method 19 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.round_highlights" and "cartolafc.Api.sponsors" methods 18 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.highlights" method 17 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.round_score" method 16 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.market" method 15 Changing repository name from python-cartolafc-api to python-cartolafc
Pull Requests:
14 Creating PyPi setup file and sample examples directory 13 Creating tests to the "cartolafc.Api.status" method 12 Adding service to get the market and round score 11 Adding service to get the last round highlights 10 Adding service to search leagues by its name 9 Adding service to get team info in a specific round 8 Adding service to list schemes 7 Adding service to search teams by its name and slugs 6 Adding service to list the championship clubs 5 Adding service to list the upcomings championship matches 4 Adding service to list the championship rounds 3 Creating service to list sponsors 2 Creating service to list the most scaled players 1 Added service to check market status