* binary wheels for OS X and Linux (thanks jeancochrane).
This is a release without changes in functionality.
* Repository is moved to https://github.com/scrapinghub/python-crfsuite; * We're now providing Windows wheels for Python 2.7, 3.3. and 3.4.
* Python 2.6 support is dropped; * CRFSuite C++ library is updated to a more recent commit; * improved Windows support (thanks fgregg); * fixed building with gcc < 5.0.0 (thanks kantan2015); * extension is rebuilt with Cython 0.25.1; this improves PyPy compatibility (but we're not quite there yet). * docs: trainer.logparser example is added to the notebook (thanks samgalen).
* the wrapper is rebuilt with Cython 0.23.4; * declared Python 3.5 compatibility; * fixed an issue with feature names ending with white spaces.
* fix build on Windows. (thanks fgregg)
* memory leak is fixed by updating the bundled CRFsuite C++ library; * the wrapper is rebuilt with Cython 0.21.2.