- Add styles. Provides general capability to access and manipulate paragraph,
character, and table styles.
- Add ParagraphFormat object, accessible on Paragraph.paragraph_format, and
providing the following paragraph formatting properties:
+ paragraph alignment (justfification)
+ space before and after paragraph
+ line spacing
+ indentation
+ keep together, keep with next, page break before, and widow control
- Add Font object, accessible on Run.font, providing character-level
formatting including:
+ typeface (e.g. 'Arial')
+ point size
+ underline
+ italic
+ bold
+ superscript and subscript
The following issues were retired:
- Add feature 56: superscript/subscript
- Add feature 67: lookup style by UI name
- Add feature 98: Paragraph indentation
- Add feature 120: Document.styles
**Backward incompatibilities**
Paragraph.style now returns a Style object. Previously it returned the style
name as a string. The name can now be retrieved using the Style.name
property, for example, `paragraph.style.name`.