
Latest version: v0.16.4

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- Performance: dramatically improved performance of get_row_by_index/looping for large files by
building an index of line positions at file opening (so there's a slight overhead



- API new: DwCAReader.descriptor
- API change: "for core_line in dwca.each_line():" => "for core_row in dwca:"
- API change: from_core and from_extension attributes of DwCALine (and sublasses) have been removed.
The isinstance built-in function can be used to test if a line is an instance of DwCACoreLine
or of DwCAExtensionLine.
- API change: DwCAReader.lines => DwCAReader.rows
- API change: DwCACoreLine => CoreRow
- API change: DwCAExtensionLine => ExtensionRow
- API change: DWCAReader.get_line_by_id => DWCAReader.get_row_by_id
- API change: DWCAReader.get_line_by_index => DWCAReader.get_row_by_index
- API change: DwCAReader.get_row_by_* methods throw RowNotFound when failure instead of returning None

- Cleaner code and better documentation.



- API change: dwca.get_line() -> dwca.get_line_by_id()
- API new: dwca.get_line_by_index()
- (Core File) iteration order is now guaranteed for dwca.each_line()
- Refactoring: DwCALine subclassed (as DwCACoreLine and DwCAExtensionLine)



- DwCALines are now hashable.



- API: added the dwca.absolute_temporary_path() method.



- Bugfix: lxml added as a requirement.

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