* Fixed evas.Textgrid to not leak on cellrow_set()
* Re-added evas.SmartObject (with incompatible API compared to the earlier
incarnation) and made elm.Object inherit from it.
* Better init/shutdown management in all modules, no more need to
manually call those functions (no harm in doing it though).
* elm.List.callback_highlighted_add: Added item param to func
* elm.List.callback_unhighlighted_add: Added item param to func
* elm.Toolbar.callback_clicked_add: Added item param to func
* elm.Toolbar.callback_longpressed_add: Added item param to func
* elm.Slideshow: item_data are now a single value, instead of args/kargs,
like is implemented in Gengrid/Genlist
* evas.Smart
* evas.Image.orient
* edje.Edje.text_class_get
* edje.text_class_get
* elm.systray
* elm.Configuration.window_auto_focus_animate
* elm.Configuration.window_auto_focus_enable
* elm.Image.memfile_set
* elm.MultiButtonEntry.callback_item_longpressed_add
* elm.MultiButtonEntry.callback_item_longpressed_del
* elm.NaviframeItem.pop_cb_set
* elm.Photocam.image_orient
* elm.Scrollable.loop
* elm.Slider.indicator_visible_mode
* elm.Transit.go_in
* elm.on_config_all_changed
* elm.on_ethumb_connect
* elm.on_policy_changed
* elm.on_process_background
* elm.LayoutClass.file is now also readable
* elm.Video.file is now also readable
* evas.Rect.intercepts: Use intersects() instead