
Latest version: v2024.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 681881 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Lots of big changes and new additions this release!

- Expressions can be used as values
- `` is no longer necessary (but is still recommended)
- Methods like `expr.apply(op)` also work
- Indexing `expr[indices]` does not yet work, nor do methods that mutate values
- For example, `A.ewise_mult(A.mxm(A.T).new()).new().reduce_scalar().new()` can now be written as `A.ewise_mult(A.mxm(A.T)).reduce_scalar()`
- Add aggregators to `grblas.agg` that can be used in reductions!
- For example, `matrix.reduce_rows(agg.argmin)`
- Current aggregators: `L0norm, L1norm, L2norm, Linfnorm, all, any, any_value, argmax, argmin, bitwise_all, bitwise_any, count, count_nonzero, count_zero, exists, first, first_index, geometric_mean, harmonic_mean, hypot, last, last_index, logaddexp, logaddexp2, max, mean, min, peak_to_peak, prod, root_mean_square, stdp, stds, sum, sum_of_inverses, sum_of_squares, varp, vars`
- Add prefix scan (such as cumsum and cumprod) that works with any monoid
- `vector.scan(monoid)`
- `matrix.scan_rows(monoid)`
- `matrix.scan_columns(monoid)`
- Add `operator.get_semiring(monoid, binaryop)` convenience function
- Add `` for Vector and Matrix objects
- Add "coo" as import/export option
- Updated/fixed `to_pygraphblas` and `from_pygraphblas`


- Add Vector inner and outer products
- `v.inner(v, plus_times)`
- `plus_times(v v)`
- Fix computing `` on iso-valued objects


- Update to SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS 5.1.3
- Add `` to Vector and Matrix objects to indicate whether they are iso-valued


- Update to SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS 5.1.2.
- Add `` and `*` methods to Vector and Matrix objects that mirror import/export.
- Add `` to get the number of bytes used by Vector and Matrix objects.


- Update to SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS 5.0.3
- Add new SuiteSparse GxB functions:
- ``, ``, and ``
- ``
- `` and ``
- Add sane coercions to operators such as using `exp` on integer dtypes.
- Allow Scalars to be used in indexing
- Allow Scalars to be used when constructing numpy arrays
- Fix dtypes.unity for complex numbers (all pairs now match numpy behavior)
- Remove `"pygraphblas"` backend, as both libraries will use `python-suitesparse-graphblas` and be compatible


- Update `grblas` to be a pure Python package by depending on `suitesparse-graphblas`!
- Rename `div` to `cdiv` in semirings and add `truediv` and `floordiv` in semirings.
- Fix monoid attribute of semirings with `land`, `lor`, and `lxor` to coerce properly.
- Don't allow expressions like `v[w]`, which previously iterated over the values of Vector `w`.
- Don't allow vectors or matrices to be directly cast to numpy arrays such as `np.array(v)`.
- Direct the users to e.g. `v.to_values()` instead.
- Support `dup_op=` keyword argument when converting from scipy.sparse and MatrixMarket formats.
- Improve recording by using `name=""` for scalars created during operations.
- Fix the recorder in Jupyter notebooks (again)

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