
Latest version: v24.8.0

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This is the first release of python-gvm. Compared to the last beta release it contains the following changes:

* Return version tuple from get_protocol_version methods [154](

* Fixed `create_tag` and `modify_tag` `resource_type` argument to expect an
EntityType in `Gmp8` [PR 150](
* Re-added `SMB` as an allowed `AlertMethod` for SecInfo events
[PR 145](


* Added preferences argument to `create_task` method [PR 89](
* Added validation of alive_tests argument to `create_target` method [PR 88](
* Added ssh_credential_port argument to `modify_target` [PR 88](
* Split getting a single preference by name from `get_preferences` method into
`get_preference` [PR 85](
* Added resource_type argument to `get_aggregates` method [PR 107](
* Added an explicit `create_container_task` method [PR 108](
* Added Gmpv8 version of create_tag with resource_filter parameter and
plural resource_ids parameter [PR 115](
* Added Gmpv8 version of modify_tag with resource_action parameter,
resource_filter parameter, plural resource_ids parameter [PR 115](
* Added no_details argument to `get_reports` method [PR 129](
* Added `get_vulnerabilites` method [PR 132](
* Added `get_ticket`, `get_tickets`, `create_ticket`, `clone_ticket`, `modify_ticket` and `delete_ticket`
APIs to GMPv8 [PR 132](
* Added filter types for `host`, `operating system`, `ticket` and `vulnerability`
[PR 133](
* Added a `password only` credential type [PR 133](
* Added [type hints]( for Gmpv8
[PR 136](
* Added dynamic selection of the Gmp class depending on the GMP version supported
by the remote manager daemon
[PR 141](
* Added all types as types property to the Gmp classes (e.g gmp.types.EntityType.TASK)
[PR 143](

* Renamed `create_asset` method to `create_host` and dropped asset_type
argument. It is only possible to create host assets. [PR 77](
* Require either setting_id or name for `modify_setting` not both arguments [PR 87](
* Allow empty string as value argument for `modify_setting` [PR 87](
* Require either user_id or name for `modify_user` not both arguments [PR 87](
* Updated argument types for `create_note`, `create_override`, `modify_note`
and `modify_override` [PR 87](
* The arguments threat (and new_threat) for `create_note`, `modify_note`,
`create_override` and `modify_override` must be one of 'High', 'Medium',
'Low', 'Alarm', 'Log' or 'Debug' now [PR 87](
* Allow to pass either user_id or name to `delete_user` [PR 88](
* Don't require inheritor_id or inheritor_name for `delete_user`
* Don't require ca_pub for `create_scanner` [PR 88](
* Change port argument for `create_scanner` to be an integer [PR 88](
* Refactor `modify_scanner` method: Adjust argument types corresponding to
`create_scanner` and only require scanner_id [PR 88](
* Updated and improved validation of `create_schedule` and
`modify_schedule` arguments [PR 89](
* Refactor `modify_task` to use same arguments as `create_task` [PR 89](
* Aligned ALIVE_TESTS declaration with list from GSA [PR 93](
* Address DeprecationWarning regarding `collections` module [PR 99](
* Forbid *'0'* as target_id value for `create_task` method and move creating a
container task into an own method [PR 108](
* Refresh the dependencies specified via the Pipfile.lock file to their latest
versions [PR 113](,
[PR 131](
* Make resource_id optional when creating tags (Gmpv7) [PR 124](
* Allow creating tags without resource (Gmpv8) [PR 125](
* Adapt modify_tag validation to actual implementation (Gmpv8) [PR 127](
* Use Gmpv8 as latest Gmp version [PR 132](
* Dropped the `make_unique` arguments from `create_filter` and `create_target`
methods in Gmpv8 [PR 133](
* Introduced Enum classes for authentication and privacy algorithms of SNMP
credentials [PR 133](
* Extended `InvalidArgument` and `RequiredArgument` errors to allow passing
argument and function name as keyword parameter [PR 134](
* Renamed `modify_target` and `create_target` argument `alive_tests` to `alive_test`
[PR 139](
* Use [enum]( AliveTests for
`alive_test` arguments
[PR 136](
[PR 139](
* Use new `AlertCondition`, `AlertEvent` and `AlertMethod` enums for `create_alert`
and `modify_alert` methods
[PR 139](
* Use new `AssetType` enum for `get_asset` and `get_assets` method
[PR 139](
* Use new `CredentialFormat` enum for `get_credential` method
[PR 139](
* Use new `CredentialType` enum for `create_credential` and `modify_credential`
[PR 132](
[PR 139](
* Use new `EntityType` enum for `create_permission`, `create_tag`, `get_aggregates`,
`modify_permission` and `modify_tag` methods
[PR 139](
* Use new `FeedType` enum for `get_feed` method
[PR 139](
* Use new `FilterType` enum for `create_filter` and `modify_filter` method
[PR 133](
[PR 139](
* Use new `HostsOrdering` enum for `create_task` and `modify_task` method
[PR 139](
* Use new `InfoType` enum for `get_info` and `get_info_list` methods
[PR 139](
* Use new `PermissionSubjectType` enum for `create_permission` and
`modify_permission` methods
[PR 139](
* Use new `PortRangeType` enum for `create_port_range` method
[PR 139](
* Use new `ScannerType` enum for `create_scanner` and `modify_scanner` methods
[PR 139](
* Use new `SnmpAuthAlgorithm` and `SnmpPrivacyAlgorithm` enums for `create_credential`
and `modify_credential` methods
[PR 139](
* Use new `SeverityLevel` enum for `create_note`, `create_override`, `modify_note`
and `modify_override` methods
[PR 139](
* Use new `TimeUnit` enum for `create_schedule` and `modify_schedule` methods
[PR 139](
* Update `create_schedule` and `modify_schedule` in `Gmpv8` to use
[iCalendar]( based data for schedules
[PR 140](

* Removed the format parameter from `get_credentials` method [PR 85](
* Removed the task_id and nvt_oid parameters from `get_notes` and
`get_overrides` methods [PR 85](
* Removed sources argument from `modify_user` method [PR 87](
* Removed `modify_report` method [PR 87](
* Removed unused comment argument from `create_note` and `create_override` [PR 87](
* Removed hosts_ordering argument from `modify_target` [PR 88](
* Excluded tests from installation [PR 119](
* Removed `credential_type` argument from `modify_credential` [PR 139](

* Fixed generating XML for `get_credentials` command [PR 74](
* Fixed generating XML for `get_settings` command [PR 80](
* Fixed generating XML for `get_nvts` command [PR 84](
* Fixed wrong order of key and value for condition_data, event_data and
method_data dict parameters of `modify_alert` method [PR 85](
* Fixed sending resource id in `modify_tag` [PR 88](
* Ensure `modify_setting` value is send as Base64-encoded [PR 98](

* `modify_config` is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future. One of
the more specific `modify_config_set_` method should be used instead [PR 87](



* Fix: Don't close the connection after each send/read command sequence
automatically. This fixes sending more then one privileged gmp command after


* Fixed generating XML for help command
* **help** method **type** argument got renamed to **help_type**
* **help** method **help_type** argument will be checked for invalid values
* Fixed wrong order of key and value for condition_data, event_data and
method_data dict parameters of **create_alert** method.
* **create_credential** requires a credential_type argument now.
* Optional parameters are required to be passed as keyword arguments.
* Fixed **get_reports** sending the wrong protocol command
* Removed **format_id** argument from get_reports
* **get_report** method **format_id** argument got renamed to
* Removed **alert_id** argument from **get_reports**
* Added new **trigger_alert** method for triggering an alert method on a
specific report.
* Fixed **create_permission** method
* Check if scanner_type is one of '1' (OSP Scanner) or '2' (OpenVAS Scanner) in
**create_scanner** method.
* Fixed **get_config** sending the correct protocol command.
* Added **import_config** method to import a scan config from xml.


* Added helper function to validate xml input **gvm.xml.validate_xml_string**
* **pretty_print** accepts a xml string as input too


* Optional arguments for connection class constructors must be passed as
keyword arguments.
* Add **finish_send** method to connections. The method allows to indicate to
the server sending data is finished and no additional data has to be received.
* Don't crash if huge content is returned in a xml response. This fixes e.g.
**get_reports** for bigger report data.
* It's possible to wait indefinitely by deactivating the timeouts via passing
None as timeout argument to the connection class constructors now.
* Removed unused **read_timeout** argument from **UnixSocketConnection**


This is the first release of python-gvm.

python-gvm was a part of [gvm-tools]( prior version 2.0. It got extracted from gvm-tools and completely overhauled.

Some notable changes are:

* The package name changed from *gmp* to *gvm*.
* The type of connection is passed to a more generic Gmp class instead of
having to select the connection when creating the gmp object.
* Support for different protocols and versions has been added. Currently
supported protocols are OSP v1 and GMP v7.
* Full API documentation is available at
* Possible arguments to protocol methods are documented.
* Arguments should be passed as keywords

Gmp API changes

* **create_report** has been renamed to **import_report**.
* Requesting single entities has been extracted from the list commands e.g.
**get_task(task_id)** instead of **get_tasks(task_id=task_id)**.
* **get_info** requests a single info entity.
* **get_info_list** requests a list of info entities.
* **filt_id** argument is called **filter_id** at all Gmp methods.
* **report_filter** argument for **get_reports** got renamed to **filter**.
**report_filt_id** is **filter_id** now.
* **create_schedule** **start_time** and **end_time** arguments got split into
several parameters.
* Plural arguments like **hosts**, **users**, ... always require a list now.
* **create_alert** **event**, **condition** and **method** arguments got
revised and split.
* boolean parameters expect True and False and not 1, 0, '1' or '0' now.
* **get_assets** type parameter got renamed to **asset_type**
* Copying an entity via the **copy** argument has been removed and extracted to
own **clone** methods e.g. **clone_task**.

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