HackRF 2015.07.1 Release Notes
To upgrade to this release, you must update libhackrf and hackrf-tools on your
host computer. You must also update firmware on your HackRF. It is important
to update both the host code and firmware for this release to work properly.
If you only update one or the other, you may experience unpredictable
Major changes in this release include:
- Multiple HackRF support. Users with more than one HackRF can target a
specific device from software using the device serial number. The serial
number is easy to find with hackrf_info. Thanks, Hessu!
- Linux kernel module detaching. A work-around to avoid the unofficial HackRF
kernel module in recent kernel versions that has been causing problems for
many users.
- Updating the CPLD is now possible from Windows. There is no CPLD update with
this release, but Windows users should now be able to update.
- Support for rad1o hardware, the badge of CCCamp 2015 based on HackRF One.
This package contains host software supporting rad1o; for firmware and other
resources, refer to: https://rad1o.badge.events.ccc.de/
There have been many more enhancements and bug fixes, for a full list of
changes, see the git log.