Hugo `0.30` is the **Race Car Edition**. Hugo is already very very fast, but much wants more. So we added **Fast Render Mode**. It is hard to explain, so start the Hugo development server with `hugo server` and start editing. Live reloads just got so much faster! The "how and what" is discussed at length in [other places](, but the short version is that we now re-render only the parts of the site that you are working on.
The second performance-related feature is a follow-up to the Template Metrics added in Hugo `0.29`. Now, if you add the flag `--templateMetricsHints`, we will calculate a score for how your partials can be cached (with the `partialCached` template func).
This release also more or less makes the really fast Chroma highlighter a complete alternative to Pygments. Most noteable is the new table `linenos` support ([7c30e2cb]( [bep]( [#3915](, which makes copy-and-paste code blocks much easier.
This release represents **31 contributions by 10 contributors** to the main Hugo code base.
[bep]( leads the Hugo development with a significant amount of contribution, but also a big shoutout to [moorereason](, [digitalcraftsman](, and [bmon]( for their ongoing contributions.
And as always a big thanks to [digitalcraftsman]( for his relentless work on keeping the documentation and the themes site in pristine condition.
Many have also been busy writing and fixing the documentation in [hugoDocs](,
which has received **26 contributions by 15 contributors**. A special thanks to [bep](, [digitalcraftsman](, [moorereason](, and [kaushalmodi]( for their work on the documentation site.
Hugo now has:
* 20195+ [stars](
* 454+ [contributors](
* 180+ [themes](
* Running `hugo server` will now run with the new "Fast Render Mode" default on. To turn it off, run `hugo server --disableFastRender` or set `disableFastRender=true` in your site config.
* There have been several fixes and enhancements in the Chroma highlighter. One is that it now creates Pygments compatible CSS classes, which means that you may want to re-generate the stylesheet. See the [Syntax Highlighting Doc](
* Only re-render the view(s) you're working on [60bd332c]( [bep]( [#3962](
* Detect `partialCached` candidates [5800a20a]( [bep](
* Move metrics output to the end of the site build [b277cb33]( [moorereason](
* Output `xmlns:xhtml` only if there are translations available [0859d9df]( [jamieconnolly](
* Add `errorf` template function [4fc67fe4]( [bmon]( [#3817](
* Add `os.FileExists` template function [28188789]( [digitalcraftsman]( [#3839](
* Add `float` template function [57adc539]( [x3ro]( [#3307](
* Rework the partial test and benchmarks [e2e8bcbe]( [bep](
* Change `SummaryLength` to be configurable (3924) [8717a60c]( [bmon]( [#3734](
* Replace `make` with `mage` in CircleCI build [fe71cb6f]( [bep]( [#3969](
* Add table `linenos` support for Chroma highlighter [7c30e2cb]( [bep]( [#3915](
* Replace `make` with `mage` [8d2580f0]( [bep]( [#3937](
* Create `magefile` from `Makefile` [384a6ac4]( [natefinch](
* Clean up lint in various packages [47fdfd51]( [moorereason](
* Make sure `Date` and `PublishDate` are always set to a value if one is available [6a30874f]( [bep]( [#3854](
* Add correct config file name to verbose server log [15ec031d]( [mdhender](