All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
* merge 25, from fundon: bump the rand0.8 * merge 18, from svenstaro * merge 21, from svenstaro * merge 19, from svenstaro * merge 20, from svenstaro * merge 16, from Exr0n * merge 15, from Exr0n * merge 10, from nbraud
* merge 3, from TheIronBorn: various small improvements * merge 4, from delimitry: fix typo in function name * Replace the `~` to `-` in alphabet * Add the common macros * Refactor structure. Remove pseudo-fast generator. Move format in ``
* Reduce `nanoid/generate` size (by Anton Khlynovskiy). * Speed up Node.js random generator.