
Latest version: v3.3.14

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Page 4 of 19


About this update

OpenSesame 3.3.2 *Lentiform Loewenfeld* is the second maintenance release in the 3.3 series. It contains bug fixes and minor improvements, and should be a pleasant and safe upgrade for everyone who is using the 3.3 series.

If you are upgrading from OpenSesame 3.2 or earlier, please see the list of important changes:

- <>


Thanks to:

- Daniel Schreij (dschreij) for his work on OSWeb, the Mac OS package, and bug fixes
- Yavor Ivanov (yarski) for his work on OSWeb and Prolific
- Eduard Ort (user) for his work on the German translation

Bug fixes and improvements


- Updated to 3.3.2
- smathot/OpenSesame694
- smathot/OpenSesame695
- smathot/OpenSesame696
- smathot/OpenSesame697
- smathot/OpenSesame698


- Updated to 0.4.6
- smathot/rapunzel7
- smathot/rapunzel8
- smathot/rapunzel9
- smathot/rapunzel11


- Updated to 2.16.0


- Updated to 0.1.9
- dschreij/opensesame-plugin-media_player_mpy9

Windows installer:

- Fix .osexp file-type icon


About this update

OpenSesame 3.3.1 *Lentiform Loewenfeld* is the first maintenance release in the 3.3 series. It contains bug fixes and minor improvements, and should be a pleasant and safe upgrade for everyone who is using the 3.3 series.

If you are upgrading from OpenSesame 3.2 or earlier, please see the list of important changes:



Thanks to:

- Daniel Schreij (dschreij) for his work on OSWeb, the Mac OS package, and bug fixes
- Eduard Ort (eort) for his work on the German translation

Bug fixes and improvements


- Updated to 3.3.1
- smathot/OpenSesame690
- smathot/OpenSesame694


- Updated to 0.4.5


- Updated to
- smathot/opensesame-extension-osweb17
- smathot/opensesame-extension-osweb19


- Updated to 1.3.8
- smathot/osweb2
- smathot/osweb3
- smathot/osweb6
- smathot/osweb8


- Updated to 0.1.27


- Updated to 0.10.16


- Updated to 2.15.0a5


- Included 0.1.8
- Fixes compatibility with OpenSesame 3.3



OpenSesame 3.3.0 *Lentiform Loewenfeld* is a major new release with many new features and improvements. A detailed changelog is therefore not available; however, a list of most important changes can be found here:



- Daniel Schreij (dschreij) for extensive code contributions
- Cherie Zhou (cherieai) for updating the Chinese (`zh_CN`) translation
- Aytaç Karabay (aytackarabay) for updating the Turkish (`tr_TR`) translation


About this update

OpenSesame 3.2.8 *Kafkaesque Koffka* is the eight maintenance release in the 3.2 series. It contains bug fixes and minor improvements, and should be a pleasant and safe upgrade for everyone who is using the 3.2 series.

If you are upgrading from OpenSesame 3.1 or earlier, please see the list of important changes:

- <>


Thanks to:

- Daniel Schreij (dschreij) for his work on OSWeb, the Mac OS package, and bug fixes

Bug fixes and improvements


- Updated to 3.2.8
- 660
- 662
- 663
- 665
- 667


- Updated to 1.3.0


- Updated to 1.2.0


- Updated to


Windows Python 2.7

~~~ .yaml
name: opensesame_3.2.8-py2.7-win32-1
- cogsci
- conda-forge
- defaults
- anaconda-client=1.6.3=py27_0
- backports=1.0=py27_0
- backports_abc=0.5=py27_0
- bleach=1.5.0=py27_0
- bzip2=1.0.6=vc9_3
- certifi=2016.2.28=py27_0
- clyent=1.2.2=py27_0
- arrow=0.7.0=py_0
- humanize=0.5.1=py_0
- oauthlib=1.1.2=py_0
- qscintilla2=2.9.3=py27_vc9_0
- requests-oauthlib=0.6.2=py_0
- webcolors=1.5=py27_0
- colorama=0.3.9=py27_0
- configparser=3.5.0=py27_0
- decorator=4.1.2=py27_0
- entrypoints=0.2.3=py27_0
- enum34=1.1.6=py27_0
- freetype=2.5.5=vc9_2
- functools32=
- get_terminal_size=1.0.0=py27_0
- html5lib=0.999=py27_0
- icu=57.1=vc9_0
- ipykernel=4.6.1=py27_0
- ipython=5.3.0=py27_0
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0=py27_0
- ipywidgets=6.0.0=py27_0
- jinja2=2.9.6=py27_0
- jpeg=9b=vc9_0
- jsonschema=2.6.0=py27_0
- jupyter=1.0.0=py27_3
- jupyter_client=5.1.0=py27_0
- jupyter_console=5.2.0=py27_0
- jupyter_core=4.3.0=py27_0
- libpng=1.6.30=vc9_1
- libtiff=4.0.6=vc9_3
- markdown=2.6.9=py27_0
- markupsafe=1.0=py27_0
- mistune=0.7.4=py27_0
- mkl=2017.0.3=0
- nbconvert=5.2.1=py27_0
- nbformat=4.4.0=py27_0
- notebook=5.0.0=py27_0
- numpy=1.13.1=py27_0
- olefile=0.44=py27_0
- openssl=1.0.2l=vc9_0
- pandocfilters=1.4.2=py27_0
- pathlib2=2.3.0=py27_0
- pickleshare=0.7.4=py27_0
- pillow=4.2.1=py27_0
- pip=9.0.1=py27_1
- prompt_toolkit=1.0.15=py27_0
- pyflakes=1.6.0=py27_0
- pygments=2.2.0=py27_0
- pyopengl=3.1.1a1=np113py27_0
- pyopengl-accelerate=3.1.1a1=np113py27_0
- pyqt=5.6.0=py27_2
- pyreadline=2.1=py27_0
- pyserial=2.7=py27_0
- python=2.7.13=1
- python-dateutil=2.6.1=py27_0
- pytz=2017.2=py27_0
- pyyaml=3.12=py27_0
- pyzmq=16.0.2=py27_0
- qt=5.6.2=vc9_6
- qtawesome=0.5.7 Updated in 3.2.8
- qtconsole=4.3.1=py27_0
- qtpy=1.3.1=py27_0
- requests=2.14.2=py27_0
- scandir=1.5=py27_0
- scipy=0.19.1=np113py27_0
- setuptools=36.4.0=py27_1
- shapely=1.6.2=py27_0 Added in 3.2.5
- simplegeneric=0.8.1=py27_1
- singledispatch=
- sip=4.18=py27_0
- six=1.10.0=py27_0
- sqlite=3.13.0=vc9_1
- ssl_match_hostname=
- testpath=0.3.1=py27_0
- tornado=4.5.2=py27_0
- traitlets=4.3.2=py27_0
- vc=9=0
- vs2008_runtime=9.00.30729.5054=0
- wcwidth=0.1.7=py27_0
- wheel=0.29.0=py27_0
- widgetsnbextension=3.0.2=py27_0
- win_unicode_console=0.5=py27_0
- wincertstore=0.2=py27_0
- yaml=0.1.6=0
- zlib=1.2.11=vc9_0
- ffmpeg=3.4.1
- pip:
- arrow==0.7.0
- backports-abc==0.5
- backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0
- backports.ssl-match-hostname==
- cffi==1.11.2
- configobj==5.0.6
- et-xmlfile==1.0.1
- expyriment-0.9.1b2_11_gc100ee8-py2-none-any.whl
- fastnumbers==2.0.2
- future==0.16.0
- humanize==0.5.1
- imageio==2.2.0
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0
- jdcal==1.3
- json-tricks==3.11.0
- jupyter-client==5.1.0
- jupyter-console==5.2.0
- jupyter-core==4.3.0
- mediadecoder==0.1.5
- moviepy==
- oauthlib==1.1.2
- openpyxl==2.4.9
- opensesame-extension-osf==1.2.0 Updated in 3.2.8
- opensesame_extension_osweb== Updated in 3.2.8
- opensesame-plugin-media-player-mpy==0.1.6
- opensesame-plugin-psychopy==0.5.0
- opensesame-windows-launcher==0.4.2 Updated in 3.2.2
- prettytable==0.7.2
- prompt-toolkit==1.0.15
- psychopy==1.85.3
- pyaudio==0.2.11
- pycparser==2.18
- pygame==1.9.3
- pyglet==1.3.0
- python-bidi==0.4.0
- python-datamatrix==0.9.14 Updated in 3.2.7
- python-fileinspector==1.0.2
- python-opensesame==3.2.8 Updated in 3.2.8
- python-pseudorandom==0.2.2
- python-pygaze==0.6.0a25 Updated in 3.2.2
- python-qdatamatrix==0.1.18
- python-qnotifications==2.0.3 Updated in 3.2.6
- python-qosf==1.3.0 Updated in 3.2.8
- python-qprogedit==4.1.0 Updated in 3.2.7
- python-qtpip==0.2.0 Updated in 3.2.6
- js2py==0.60 New in 3.2.7
- requests-oauthlib==0.6.2
- sounddevice==0.3.9
- tqdm==4.19.5
- webcolors==1.5
- win-unicode-console==0.5
- yolk3k==0.9


About this update

OpenSesame 3.2.7 *Kafkaesque Koffka* is the seventh maintenance release in the 3.2 series. It contains bug fixes and minor improvements, and should be a pleasant and safe upgrade for everyone who is using the 3.2 series.

A notable improvement in this release is a significant update to the OSWeb extension ( This now allows you to embed basic JavaScript in your experiment. For more information, see:


If you are upgrading from OpenSesame 3.1 or earlier, please see the list of important changes:



Thanks to:

- dschreij for his work on OSWeb and the Mac OS package

Bug fixes and improvements


- Updated to 3.2.7
- Issue 635: Canvas.copy() doesn't work for legacy backend (Bug)
- Issue 643: Go back to loop tab after closing loop preview (Enhancement)
- Issue 650: Text_input widget freezes after a while when using xpyriment backend (Bug)
- Issue 651: Text_input form widget does not accept all characters with psycho backend (Bug)
- Issue 652: Killing a killed experiment triggers Exception (Bug)
- Issue 655: Cannot refer to canvas attribute of a sketchpad in coroutines before sketchpad onset (Bug)
- Issue 656: Psycho back-end interprets orientation of Gabors horizontally mirrored. (Bug)


- Updated to 0.9.14


- Updated to 4.1.2


- Updated


Windows Python 2.7

~~~ .yaml
name: opensesame_3.2.7-py2.7-win32-2
- cogsci
- conda-forge
- defaults
- anaconda-client=1.6.3=py27_0
- backports=1.0=py27_0
- backports_abc=0.5=py27_0
- bleach=1.5.0=py27_0
- bzip2=1.0.6=vc9_3
- certifi=2016.2.28=py27_0
- clyent=1.2.2=py27_0
- arrow=0.7.0=py_0
- humanize=0.5.1=py_0
- oauthlib=1.1.2=py_0
- qscintilla2=2.9.3=py27_vc9_0
- requests-oauthlib=0.6.2=py_0
- webcolors=1.5=py27_0
- colorama=0.3.9=py27_0
- configparser=3.5.0=py27_0
- decorator=4.1.2=py27_0
- entrypoints=0.2.3=py27_0
- enum34=1.1.6=py27_0
- freetype=2.5.5=vc9_2
- functools32=
- get_terminal_size=1.0.0=py27_0
- html5lib=0.999=py27_0
- icu=57.1=vc9_0
- ipykernel=4.6.1=py27_0
- ipython=5.3.0=py27_0
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0=py27_0
- ipywidgets=6.0.0=py27_0
- jinja2=2.9.6=py27_0
- jpeg=9b=vc9_0
- jsonschema=2.6.0=py27_0
- jupyter=1.0.0=py27_3
- jupyter_client=5.1.0=py27_0
- jupyter_console=5.2.0=py27_0
- jupyter_core=4.3.0=py27_0
- libpng=1.6.30=vc9_1
- libtiff=4.0.6=vc9_3
- markdown=2.6.9=py27_0
- markupsafe=1.0=py27_0
- mistune=0.7.4=py27_0
- mkl=2017.0.3=0
- nbconvert=5.2.1=py27_0
- nbformat=4.4.0=py27_0
- notebook=5.0.0=py27_0
- numpy=1.13.1=py27_0
- olefile=0.44=py27_0
- openssl=1.0.2l=vc9_0
- pandocfilters=1.4.2=py27_0
- pathlib2=2.3.0=py27_0
- pickleshare=0.7.4=py27_0
- pillow=4.2.1=py27_0
- pip=9.0.1=py27_1
- prompt_toolkit=1.0.15=py27_0
- pyflakes=1.6.0=py27_0
- pygments=2.2.0=py27_0
- pyopengl=3.1.1a1=np113py27_0
- pyopengl-accelerate=3.1.1a1=np113py27_0
- pyqt=5.6.0=py27_2
- pyreadline=2.1=py27_0
- pyserial=2.7=py27_0
- python=2.7.13=1
- python-dateutil=2.6.1=py27_0
- pytz=2017.2=py27_0
- pyyaml=3.12=py27_0
- pyzmq=16.0.2=py27_0
- qt=5.6.2=vc9_6
- qtawesome=0.4.4=py27_0
- qtconsole=4.3.1=py27_0
- qtpy=1.3.1=py27_0
- requests=2.14.2=py27_0
- scandir=1.5=py27_0
- scipy=0.19.1=np113py27_0
- setuptools=36.4.0=py27_1
- shapely=1.6.2=py27_0 Added in 3.2.5
- simplegeneric=0.8.1=py27_1
- singledispatch=
- sip=4.18=py27_0
- six=1.10.0=py27_0
- sqlite=3.13.0=vc9_1
- ssl_match_hostname=
- testpath=0.3.1=py27_0
- tornado=4.5.2=py27_0
- traitlets=4.3.2=py27_0
- vc=9=0
- vs2008_runtime=9.00.30729.5054=0
- wcwidth=0.1.7=py27_0
- wheel=0.29.0=py27_0
- widgetsnbextension=3.0.2=py27_0
- win_unicode_console=0.5=py27_0
- wincertstore=0.2=py27_0
- yaml=0.1.6=0
- zlib=1.2.11=vc9_0
- ffmpeg=3.4.1
- pip:
- arrow==0.7.0
- backports-abc==0.5
- backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0
- backports.ssl-match-hostname==
- cffi==1.11.2
- configobj==5.0.6
- et-xmlfile==1.0.1
- expyriment-0.9.1b2_11_gc100ee8-py2-none-any.whl
- fastnumbers==2.0.2
- future==0.16.0
- humanize==0.5.1
- imageio==2.2.0
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0
- jdcal==1.3
- json-tricks==3.11.0
- jupyter-client==5.1.0
- jupyter-console==5.2.0
- jupyter-core==4.3.0
- mediadecoder==0.1.5
- moviepy==
- oauthlib==1.1.2
- openpyxl==2.4.9
- opensesame-extension-osf==1.1.1
- opensesame_extension_osweb== Updated in 3.2.7
- opensesame-plugin-media-player-mpy==0.1.6
- opensesame-plugin-psychopy==0.5.0
- opensesame-windows-launcher==0.4.2 Updated in 3.2.2
- prettytable==0.7.2
- prompt-toolkit==1.0.15
- psychopy==1.85.3
- pyaudio==0.2.11
- pycparser==2.18
- pygame==1.9.3
- pyglet==1.3.0
- python-bidi==0.4.0
- python-datamatrix==0.9.14 Updated in 3.2.7
- python-fileinspector==1.0.2
- python-opensesame==3.2.7 Updated in 3.2.6
- python-pseudorandom==0.2.2
- python-pygaze==0.6.0a25 Updated in 3.2.2
- python-qdatamatrix==0.1.18
- python-qnotifications==2.0.3 Updated in 3.2.6
- python-qosf==1.2.3 Updated in 3.2.3
- python-qprogedit==4.1.0 Updated in 3.2.7
- python-qtpip==0.2.0 Updated in 3.2.6
- js2py==0.60 New in 3.2.7
- requests-oauthlib==0.6.2
- sounddevice==0.3.9
- tqdm==4.19.5
- webcolors==1.5
- win-unicode-console==0.5
- yolk3k==0.9


About this update
OpenSesame 3.2.6 *Kafkaesque Koffka* is the sixth maintenance release in the 3.2 series. It contains bug fixes and minor improvements, and should be a pleasant and safe upgrade for everyone who is using the 3.2 series.

A notable addition in this release is the OSWeb extension. This allows you to run OpenSesame experiments online! For more information, see:

- <>

If you are upgrading from OpenSesame 3.1 or earlier, please see the list of important changes:

- <>


Thanks to:

- dschreij for his work on OSWeb and the Mac OS package
- shyras for his work on OSWeb

Bug fixes and improvements


- Updated to 3.2.6
- 635
- 636
- 638
- 639
- 641
- 642
- 646
- 647
- 648
- 649


- Updated to 0.9.8


- Updated to 2.0.2


- Updated to 0.2.0


- Newly added


Windows Python 2.7

~~~ .yaml
name: opensesame_3.2.6-py2.7-win32-1
- cogsci
- conda-forge
- defaults
- anaconda-client=1.6.3=py27_0
- backports=1.0=py27_0
- backports_abc=0.5=py27_0
- bleach=1.5.0=py27_0
- bzip2=1.0.6=vc9_3
- certifi=2016.2.28=py27_0
- clyent=1.2.2=py27_0
- arrow=0.7.0=py_0
- humanize=0.5.1=py_0
- oauthlib=1.1.2=py_0
- qscintilla2=2.9.3=py27_vc9_0
- requests-oauthlib=0.6.2=py_0
- webcolors=1.5=py27_0
- colorama=0.3.9=py27_0
- configparser=3.5.0=py27_0
- decorator=4.1.2=py27_0
- entrypoints=0.2.3=py27_0
- enum34=1.1.6=py27_0
- freetype=2.5.5=vc9_2
- functools32=
- get_terminal_size=1.0.0=py27_0
- html5lib=0.999=py27_0
- icu=57.1=vc9_0
- ipykernel=4.6.1=py27_0
- ipython=5.3.0=py27_0
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0=py27_0
- ipywidgets=6.0.0=py27_0
- jinja2=2.9.6=py27_0
- jpeg=9b=vc9_0
- jsonschema=2.6.0=py27_0
- jupyter=1.0.0=py27_3
- jupyter_client=5.1.0=py27_0
- jupyter_console=5.2.0=py27_0
- jupyter_core=4.3.0=py27_0
- libpng=1.6.30=vc9_1
- libtiff=4.0.6=vc9_3
- markdown=2.6.9=py27_0
- markupsafe=1.0=py27_0
- mistune=0.7.4=py27_0
- mkl=2017.0.3=0
- nbconvert=5.2.1=py27_0
- nbformat=4.4.0=py27_0
- notebook=5.0.0=py27_0
- numpy=1.13.1=py27_0
- olefile=0.44=py27_0
- openssl=1.0.2l=vc9_0
- pandocfilters=1.4.2=py27_0
- pathlib2=2.3.0=py27_0
- pickleshare=0.7.4=py27_0
- pillow=4.2.1=py27_0
- pip=9.0.1=py27_1
- prompt_toolkit=1.0.15=py27_0
- pyflakes=1.6.0=py27_0
- pygments=2.2.0=py27_0
- pyopengl=3.1.1a1=np113py27_0
- pyopengl-accelerate=3.1.1a1=np113py27_0
- pyqt=5.6.0=py27_2
- pyreadline=2.1=py27_0
- pyserial=2.7=py27_0
- python=2.7.13=1
- python-dateutil=2.6.1=py27_0
- pytz=2017.2=py27_0
- pyyaml=3.12=py27_0
- pyzmq=16.0.2=py27_0
- qt=5.6.2=vc9_6
- qtawesome=0.4.4=py27_0
- qtconsole=4.3.1=py27_0
- qtpy=1.3.1=py27_0
- requests=2.14.2=py27_0
- scandir=1.5=py27_0
- scipy=0.19.1=np113py27_0
- setuptools=36.4.0=py27_1
- shapely=1.6.2=py27_0 Added in 3.2.5
- simplegeneric=0.8.1=py27_1
- singledispatch=
- sip=4.18=py27_0
- six=1.10.0=py27_0
- sqlite=3.13.0=vc9_1
- ssl_match_hostname=
- testpath=0.3.1=py27_0
- tornado=4.5.2=py27_0
- traitlets=4.3.2=py27_0
- vc=9=0
- vs2008_runtime=9.00.30729.5054=0
- wcwidth=0.1.7=py27_0
- wheel=0.29.0=py27_0
- widgetsnbextension=3.0.2=py27_0
- win_unicode_console=0.5=py27_0
- wincertstore=0.2=py27_0
- yaml=0.1.6=0
- zlib=1.2.11=vc9_0
- ffmpeg=3.4.1
- pip:
- arrow==0.7.0
- backports-abc==0.5
- backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0
- backports.ssl-match-hostname==
- cffi==1.11.2
- configobj==5.0.6
- et-xmlfile==1.0.1
- fastnumbers==2.0.2
- future==0.16.0
- humanize==0.5.1
- imageio==2.2.0
- ipython-genutils==0.2.0
- jdcal==1.3
- json-tricks==3.11.0
- jupyter-client==5.1.0
- jupyter-console==5.2.0
- jupyter-core==4.3.0
- mediadecoder==0.1.5
- moviepy==
- oauthlib==1.1.2
- openpyxl==2.4.9
- opensesame-extension-osf==1.1.1
- opensesame-extension-osweb== New in 3.2.6
- opensesame-plugin-media-player-mpy==0.1.6
- opensesame-plugin-psychopy==0.5.0
- opensesame-windows-launcher==0.4.2 Updated in 3.2.2
- prettytable==0.7.2
- prompt-toolkit==1.0.15
- psychopy==1.85.3
- pyaudio==0.2.11
- pycparser==2.18
- pygame==1.9.3
- pyglet==1.3.0
- python-bidi==0.4.0
- python-datamatrix==0.9.8 Updated in 3.2.6
- python-fileinspector==1.0.2
- python-opensesame==3.2.6 Updated in 3.2.6
- python-pseudorandom==0.2.2
- python-pygaze==0.6.0a25 Updated in 3.2.2
- python-qdatamatrix==0.1.18
- python-qnotifications==2.0.3 Updated in 3.2.6
- python-qosf==1.2.3 Updated in 3.2.3
- python-qprogedit==4.0.11
- python-qtpip==0.2.0 Updated in 3.2.6
- requests-oauthlib==0.6.2
- sounddevice==0.3.9
- tqdm==4.19.5
- webcolors==1.5
- win-unicode-console==0.5
- yolk3k==0.9

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