
Latest version: v0.15.9

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- refactor(autorun): improve type-hints so that its final return value has the correct
type, regardless `default_value` is provided or not
- refactor(view): improve type-hints so that its final return value has the correct
type, regardless `default_value` is provided or not
- refactor(combine_reducers): use `make_immutable` instead of `make_dataclass`
- test(view): write tests for `store.view`


- feat(core): add `view` method to `Store` to allow computing a derived value from
the state only when it is accessed and caching the result until the relevant parts
of the state change
- feat(test): add performance tests to check it doesn't timeout in edge cases


- refactor(autorun)!: setting `initial_run` option of autorun to `False` used to
make the autorun simply not call the function on initialization, now it makes
sure the function is not called until the selector's value actually changes
- feat(autorun): add `auto_call` and `reactive` options to autorun to control whether
the autorun should call the function automatically when the comparator's value
changes and whether it shouldn't automatically call it but yet register a change
so that when it is manually called the next time, it will call the function.


- test(middleware): add middleware tests


- refactor(test): add the counter id of the failed snapshot to the error message


- fix: add `unsubscribe` method to `AutorunReturnType` protocol

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