
Latest version: v0.0.5

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Performance improvements:

* [PERF 223](
Added a parallel recursive directory iterator. This results in major
performance improvements on large repositories.
* [PERF 11](
ripgrep now uses the `bytecount` library for counting new lines. In some
cases, ripgrep runs twice as fast. Use
`RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release --features 'simd-accel avx-accel'`
to get the fastest possible binary.

Feature enhancements:

* Added or improved file type filtering for Agda, Tex, Taskpaper, Markdown,
asciidoc, textile, rdoc, org, creole, wiki, pod, C, PDF, C, C++.
* [FEATURE 149](
Add a new `--no-messages` flag that suppresses error messages.
Note that `rg foo 2> /dev/null` also works.
* [FEATURE 159](
Add a new `-m/--max-count` flag that limits the total number of matches
printed for each file searched.

Bug fixes:

* [BUG 199](
Fixed a bug where `-S/--smart-case` wasn't being applied correctly to
literal optimizations.
* [BUG 203](
Mention the full name, ripgrep, in more places. It now appears in
the output of `--help` and `--version`. The repository URL is now also
in the output of `--help` and the man page.
* [BUG 215](
Include small note about how to search for a pattern that starts with a `-`.


Feature enhancements:

* Added or improved file type filtering for Fish.

Bug fixes:

* [BUG 206](
Fixed a regression with `-g/--glob` flag in `0.2.5`.


Feature enhancements:

* Added or improved file type filtering for Groovy, Handlebars, Tcl, zsh and
* [FEATURE 9](
Support global gitignore config and `.git/info/exclude` files.
* [FEATURE 45](
Add --ignore-file flag for specifying additional ignore files.
* [FEATURE 202](
Introduce a new
crate that encapsulates all of ripgrep's gitignore matching logic.

Bug fixes:

* [BUG 44](
ripgrep runs slowly when given lots of positional arguments that are
* [BUG 119](
ripgrep didn't reset terminal colors if it was interrupted by `^C`.
Fixed in [PR 187](
* [BUG 184](
Fixed a bug related to interpreting gitignore files in parent directories.




Bug fixes:

* [BUG 164](
Fixes a segfault on macos builds.
* [BUG 167](
Clarify documentation for --threads.


Packaging updates:

* `ripgrep` is now in homebrew-core. `brew install ripgrep` will do the trick
on a Mac.
* `ripgrep` is now in the Archlinux community repository.
`pacman -S ripgrep` will do the trick on Archlinux.
* Support has been discontinued for i686-darwin.
* Glob matching has been moved out into its own crate:

Feature enhancements:

* Added or improved file type filtering for CMake, config, Jinja, Markdown,
* [FEATURE 109](
Add a --max-depth flag for directory traversal.
* [FEATURE 124](
Add -s/--case-sensitive flag. Overrides --smart-case.
* [FEATURE 139](
The `ripgrep` repo is now a Homebrew tap. This is useful for installing
SIMD accelerated binaries, which aren't available in homebrew-core.

Bug fixes:

* [BUG 87](,
[BUG 127](,
[BUG 131](
Various issues related to glob matching.
* [BUG 116](
--quiet should stop search after first match.
* [BUG 121](
--color always should show colors, even when --vimgrep is used.
* [BUG 122](
Colorize file path at beginning of line.
* [BUG 134](
Processing a large ignore file (thousands of globs) was very slow.
* [BUG 137](
Always follow symlinks when given as an explicit argument.
* [BUG 147](
Clarify documentation for --replace.

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