* Added WebWorker support.
* Fixed swfobject and web_socket.js to not assume window.
* Fixed CORS detection for webworker.
* Fix `defer` for webkit in a webworker.
* Fixed io.util.request to not rely on window.
* FIxed; use global instead of window and dont rely on document.
* Fixed; JSON-P handshake if CORS is not available.
* Made underlying Transport disconnection trigger immediate socket.io disconnect.
* Fixed warning when compressing with Google Closure Compiler.
* Fixed builder's uglify utf-8 support.
* Added workaround for loading indicator in FF jsonp-polling. [3rd-Eden]
* Fixed host discovery lookup. [holic]
* Fixed close timeout when disconnected/reconnecting. [jscharlach]
* Fixed jsonp-polling feature detection.
* Fixed jsonp-polling client POSTing of \n.
* Fixed test runner on IE6/7