![Person Detection](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Seeed-Studio/edgelab-model-zoomain/detection/assets/images/person_detection.png)
EdgeLab got a optimized visualization tool for inference, model training and export command-line interface has refactored, also GitHub Actions CI integration is supported now. Please stay turned for upcoming Web tools and C++ SDK for model deployment on edge computing devices.
- [EdgeLab Model Zoo](https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/edgelab-model-zoo), which provides some pre-trained models for different kinds of tasks with detailed benchmark information.
- Optimized inference and visualization [tool](https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/EdgeLab/blob/dev/tools/inference.py) for easy testing and evaluation your trained models on PCs.
- Anomaly detection for gyroscope sensors (Experimental).
New features
- Optimized and refactored the command-line interfaces for model [training](https://seeed-studio.github.io/EdgeLab/tutorials/training/overview), [export](https://seeed-studio.github.io/EdgeLab/tutorials/export/overview) and inference.
- Added [CI (GitHub Actions)](https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/EdgeLab/actions), it is welcome to submit PRs to us.
- Cleaned up redundant code, lots of issues got fixed.
Coming soon
- **EdgeLab Web Tools** will provide a quick and interactive interface for deploying models to MCUs using browser.
- **EdgeLab C++ SDK** will deliver a unified and easy-to-use API for rapid deployment of models to edge computing devices (MCUs, SBCs).
- [EdgeLab Model Zoo](https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/edgelab-model-zoo) will add more pre-trained models continuously and EdgeLab documentation will be revised accordingly.
- Changes between previous release and this release: [v2.0.0rc2 - v2.0.0rc3](https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/EdgeLab/compare/2.0.0rc2...2.0.0rc3).
- Changes since this release: [v2.0.0rc3 - dev](https://github.com/Seeed-Studio/EdgeLab/compare/2.0.0rc3...dev).