
Latest version: v1.20

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* Fix a packaging issue in the long description



* Add modules for the following number formats:

- NCF (Números de Comprobante Fiscal, Dominican Republic receipt number)
- Euro banknote serial numbers
- CAS RN (Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number)
- Aadhaar (Indian digital resident personal identity number)
(thanks Srikanth Lakshmanan)
- PAN (Permanent Account Number, Indian income tax identifier)
(thanks Srikanth Lakshmanan)

* Add functions for using the Dominican Republic DGII web service to validate
and search for RNC and NCF numbers
* Add/update whitelists for Dominican Republic RNC and Cedula
* Support zeep as preferred SOAP library (suds and pysimplesoap are tried
as fallback)
* Rename stdnum.iso9362 to stdnum.bic (iso9362 is deprecated but still
available for compatibility)
* Add tests for web services (not normally run to avoid unnecessary load)
* Fixes and improvement to the sample online validation service

Development of the NCF format validation and DGII web service validation
was funded by iterativo |



* Add modules for the following number formats:

- BN (Canadian Business Number)
- SIN (Canadian Social Insurance Number)
- IdNr (Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer, German personal tax number)
(thanks Mohammed Salman of Holvi)
- Registrikood (Estonian organisation registration code)
(thanks Mohammed Salman of Holvi)
- Veronumero (Finnish individual tax number)
(thanks Mohammed Salman of Holvi)
- UPN (English Unique Pupil Number)

* Fix a bug in the Czech DIČ check digit calculation
* Fix conversion of 9 digit ISBN to ISBN13
* Fix a bug in the Damm is_valid() function
* More validation of 13-digit ISBN values
* More validation of ISMN values
* Various code and test improvements (100% branch coverage now)
* Documentation improvements



* Add modules for the following number formats:

- CBU (Clave Bancaria Uniforme, Argentine bank account number)
(thanks Luciano Rossi)
- EIC (European Energy Identification Code)
- NACE (classification for businesses in the European Union)
- LEI (Legal Entity Identifier)
- n° TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée, Monacan VAT number)
- PIB (Poreski Identifikacioni Broj, Serbian tax identification number)

* Add online check example that finds valid formats for a given number
* Fix support for Ñ in Spanish Referencia Catastral
* Updates to U.S. Employer Identification Number (thanks Greg Kuwaye)
* Various minor improvements



* Add modules for the following number formats:

- ABN (Australian Business Number)
- ACN (Australian Company Number)
- TFN (Australian Tax File Number)
- CCC (Código Cuenta Corriente, Spanish Bank Account Code)
- CUPS (Código Unificado de Punto de Suministro, Supply Point Unified Code)
- Spanish IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
- Referencia Catastral (Spanish real estate property id)

* The IBAN module now support validating the country-specific part
* The Belgian VAT number is now also referenced as businessid
* Add a Tox configuration file



* Add modules for the following number formats:

- NIF (Numéro d'Immatriculation Fiscale, French tax identification number)
provided by Dimitri Papadopoulos
- NIR (French personal identification number) provided by Dimitri
- SIRET (a French company establishment identification number) provided by
Yoann Aubineau
- NHS (United Kingdom National Health Service patient identifier)
- T.C. Kimlik No. (Turkish personal identification number)

* Add an implementation of the Damm algorithm
* Ensure data files are properly closed
* Documentation improvements
* Extend test suite
* A number of minor bug fixes and improvements

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