✨ Enhancements
- Add new boolean configuration `allow-local-imports` to allow for local imports
- Extended the `snasphot` function to include the relevant variables defined at the top level (global variables).
- Include the pycodestyle error code to the error message for PEP8 style errors
- Added date and time display to `PlainReporter` and `ColorReporter`
- Allowed specifying allowed names in configurations `allowed-import-modules` and `extra-imports` instead of just modules
- Improved error display for pycodestyle (E9989) errors E123, E203, E222, E226, and E262
- Added the configuration option to ignore naming convention violations (C9103 and C9104) for names matching the provided regular expression.
- Update to pylint v3.1 and and astroid v3.1
- Stored actual AST condition node in edges leading out of If/While blocks in generated control flow graphs.
- Stored valid Python function preconditions in initial edge to function code in generated function control flow graphs.
- Report warning when control flow graph creation encounters a syntax error related to control flow
- Added autoformat option that runs black formatting tool to python_ta.check_all()
- Extended the `snapshot` function to optionally generate a svg of the snapshot using MemoryViz when save parameter is true.
💫 New checkers