
Latest version: v4.5.0

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check in order_bug program which demonstrates issue 50
resolved issue 50 - added code to tlsh_impl.cpp to check for invalid call sequences to update() and final()


currently tlsh_pattern returns all the matches
modify tlsh_pattern to return the best match

remove the newline from the input fields when reading in the tlsh_pattern file


Also merged the contents of NOTICE.txt into LICENSE.
This was done because NOTICE.txt is sometimes accidently removed when people clone this repository.
And the LICENSE specifically states that NOTICE.txt should NOT be removed.

Also added command line option -notice which displays the NOTICE.txt file


resolving issue 38
putting in fix in rand_tags.cpp so that it generates identical output to previous version
while safely working with pointers


resolving issue 48 - tlsh_pattern program
This tlsh_pattern program should read a pattern file
+ col 1: pattern number
+ col 2: nitems in group
+ col 3: TLSH
+ col 4: radius
+ col 5: pattern label
The input options should match the tlsh program
usage: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -f file
: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -d digest
: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -r dir
: tlsh_pattern [-xlen] [-force] -pat pattern_file -l listfile


Adding // access functions - required by tools using TLSH library
+ int Lvalue();
+ int Q1ratio();
+ int Q2ratio();

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