- the `ASEvaluation` class in the `weka.attribute_selection` module now offers the following methods
for attribute transformers like PCA: `transformed_header`, `transformed_data`, `convert_instance`
- classes derived from `weka.core.classes.JavaObject` are now serializable via pickle
- added the method `copy_structure` to the `weka.core.dataset.Instances` class to quickly
get the header of a dataset
- added the property `header` to the following classes that returns the training data structure:
`ASEvaluation`, `ASSearch`, `Associator`, `Classifier`, `Clusterer`, `TSForecaster`
- methods from `weka.core.serialization` have been moved into `weka.core.classes`, with the
following methods getting the `serialization_` prefix: `write`, `write_all`, `read`, `read_all`