
Latest version: v1.0.0

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What's New

Now you can use authorized access token to get your subscriptions.
You can to the demo [A demo for get my subscription]( to see simple usage.
Or you can see the [subscriptions usage]( docs.

43 add api for get my subscriptions

41 add api for channel subscriptions


What's New

Now some apis can get all target items just by one method call.

For example, you can get playlist's all items by follow call

In [1]: r = api.get_playlist_items(playlist_id="PLWz5rJ2EKKc_xXXubDti2eRnIKU0p7wHd", parts=["id", "snippet"], count=None)
In [2]: r.pageInfo
Out[2]: PageInfo(totalResults=73, resultsPerPage=50)
In [3]: len(r.items)
Out[4]: 73

You can see the [README]( to find which methods support this.


**Broken Change**

Now introduce new model ApiResponse representing the response from youtube, so previous usage has been invalidated.

You need to read the docs [README]( to get the simple new usage.

What's New

Split some method into multiple usage, for example get video has been split three methods:

* api.get_video_by_id()
* api.get_videos_by_chart()
* api.get_videos_by_myrating()

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