* Rewrite internal reader structure to use stream decompression.
This allow libzim to not decompresse the whole cluster to get an article
content. This is big performance improvement, it speedups random access by
2, with a very small cost when doing "full" incremental reading
(zim-check/zim-dump). (veloman-yunkan)
* Better dirent lookup.
Dirent lookup is the process of locating article data starting from the url
or title. This improves reading of zim file up to 10% (veloman-yunkan)
* Add basic, first version of `validate` function to check internal structure
of a zim file. (veloman-yunkan, MiguelRocha)
* Fix compilation of libzim without xapian (mgautierfr)
* Remove zlib dependency (and support of very old files created using zlib
compression) (mgautierfr)
* New unit tests and various small fixes.