* Improve decrypt method, Add an option to decrypt an element in place or copy it before decryption.
* [63](https://github.com/onelogin/python3-saml/pull/63) Be able to get at the auth object the last processed ID (response/assertion) and the last generated ID, as well as the NotOnOrAfter value of the valid SubjectConfirmationData in the processed SAMLResponse
* On a LogoutRequest if the NameIdFormat is entity, NameQualifier and SPNameQualifier will be omitted. If the NameIdFormat is not entity and a NameQualifier is provided, then the SPNameQualifier will be also added.
* Reset errorReason attribute of the auth object before each Process method
* [65](https://github.com/onelogin/python3-saml/pull/65) Fix issue on getting multiple certs when only sign or encryption certs