- Fix faulty information in `AerBackend().backend_info` - Updated pytket version requirement to 1.13.
- Update qiskit version to 0.41. - Fix order of Pauli terms when converting from `QubitPauliOperator`.
- Automatically use IBMQ token if saved in pytket config and not saved in qiskit config. - Update qiskit version to 0.40. - Update code to remove some deprecation warnings. - Work around <https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/7865>.
- Handle more multi-controlled gates in `tk_to_qiskit` and `qiskit_to_tk` converters (including CnY and CnZ). - Drop support for Python 3.8; add support for 3.11. - Fix ordering of registers in statevector simulation results. - Remove `reverse_index` argument in `tk_to_qiskit()`. - Updated pytket version requirement to 1.11.
- Fix handling of parameter when converting `PauliEvolutionGate` to `QubitPauliOperator`. - Updated pytket version requirement to 1.10.
- Use `qiskit_ibm_runtime` services for sampling on `IBMQBackend` and `IBMQEmulatorBackend`. Note that shots tables (ordered lists of results) are no longer available from these backends. (`BackendResult.get_shots()` will fail; use `get_counts()` instead.) - Fix incorrect circuit permutation handling for `AerUnitaryBackend` and `AerStateBackend`.