Breaking changes
- Replace `usesLatestTLSversion` with `minTLSVersion` in assets and `tlsVersion` in data flows [123](
- When the `data` attribute of elements is initialied with a string, convert it to a `Data` object with `undefined` as name and the string as description; change the default classification from `PUBLIC` to `UNKNOWN` [148](
New features
- Separate actors and assets from elements when dumping the model to JSON [150](
- Add unique Finding ids [154](
- Allow to associate the threat model script with source code files and check their age difference [145](
- Adapt [the DFD3 notation]( [#143](
- Allow to override findings (threats) attributes [137](
- Allow to mark data as PII or credentials and check if it's protected [127](
- Added '--levels' - every element now has a 'levels' attribute, a list of integers denoting different DFD levels for rendering
- Added HTML docs using pdoc [110](
- Added `checksDestinationRevocation` attribute to account for certificate revocation checks [109](
Bug fixes
- Escape HTML entities in Threat attributes [149](
- Fix generating reports for models with a `Datastore` that has `isEncryptedAtRest` set and a `Data` that has `isStored` set [141](
- Fix condition on the `Data Leak` threat so it does not always match [139](
- Fixed printing the data attribute in reports [123](
- Added a markdown file with threats [126](
- Fixed drawing nested boudnaries [117](
- Add missing `provideIntegrity` attribute in `Actor` and `Asset` classes [116](