:rocket: Features
* Add a sub info logging style (681) FollowTheProcess
* Support env detection in setuptools/PEP621 project (680) FollowTheProcess
:construction_worker: Continuous Integration
* Hardcode version in pyproject.toml for shell prompt goodness (678) FollowTheProcess
* Specify a minimum python version to mypy (674) FollowTheProcess
:lipstick: Style
* Use pyproject-fmt as a pre-commit hook (679) FollowTheProcess
:package: Dependencies
* Use setuptools-scm for automatic versioning (677) FollowTheProcess
* Move to src layout and support PEP 621 (676) FollowTheProcess
* Bump mkdocs-material from 8.2.11 to 8.2.13 (675) dependabot