
Latest version: v0.6.5

Safety actively analyzes 681866 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* fix(beta): put beta disclaimer in readme ([`2ae1013`](


* [skip ci] Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`b91b6bb`](



* [skip ci] Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`ad9d178`](

* patch(beta): put beta disclaimer in readme ([`14d66bb`](



* feat(changelog): added changelog to project ([`9ba67a6`](


* [skip ci] Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`9c17e69`](

* patch(beta): put beta disclaimer in readme ([`055c5c0`](

* [skip ci] Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`1a531de`](

* patch: put beta disclaimer in readme ([`27d37ab`](

* patch(beta): put beta disclaimer in readme ([`3d20a89`](

* [skip ci] Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`747961b`](



* feat(changelog): added changelog to project ([`60bede4`](

* feat(release): make a new release ([`7492d3d`](

* feat(cli): Init release for pytoolbelt-cli ([`4112b98`](

* feat(release): First release for pytoolbelt-cli ([`a349070`](

* feat(release): First release for pytoolbelt-cli ([`8c070bd`](

* feat(release): First release for pytoolbelt-cli ([`924f765`](

* feat(release): First release for pytoolbelt-cli ([`54e16f4`](

* feat(release): First release for pytoolbelt-cli ([`aedfa7e`](

* feat(release): First release for pytoolbelt-cli ([`80ede23`](

* feat(init release): First release of pytoolbelt-cli ([`5fa69a5`](


* [skip ci] Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`771bdae`](

* patch(bug): semantic release not bumping version ([`5758bb4`](

* wip ([`1455730`](

* wip ([`5284c4e`](

* add logo ([`54c1a68`](

* working ([`1297e45`](

* wip ([`29ba4a6`](

* wip ([`655b3ad`](

* tool entrypoints done ([`8d9a72e`](

* wip ([`a2ad7c9`](

* wip ([`2344edf`](

* good work on project structure ([`919b3ff`](

* format and sort ([`f1528e4`](

* wip ([`f97cb99`](

* add vars ([`dcb01a3`](

* wip ([`f7cb3c9`](

* wip ([`5a1de56`](

* wip - better pytoolbelt project ([`eb7f483`](

* refactor ([`2898b95`](

* refactor more ([`cfa359d`](

* lots of good refactoring ([`bc5be2d`](

* wip ([`089b312`](

* wip ([`2486064`](

* wip ([`e4ffda8`](

* wip ([`7f76897`](

* this project it getting good ([`c787168`](

* wip ([`a705708`](

* wip ([`7a395cb`](

* wip ([`d5a0461`](

* sort and format. set black isort profile ([`2dd7e8f`](

* format and sort ([`395d0b5`](

* wip ([`0903b63`](

* wip ([`e582dd3`](

* pytb build and remove working ([`3fcc7d7`](

* wip ([`16bfd6f`](

* wip ([`45e3422`](

* wip ([`cc13637`](

* wip ([`789acc2`](

* wip ([`bf1aff9`](

* wip ([`0e813f4`](

* wip ([`9b8fc0f`](

* paths too confusing.. need break ([`2f77f4c`](

* wip on project entry ([`709d2fc`](

* wip ([`3c380f0`](

* refactor config ([`b2a11d6`](

* good wip ([`eba491d`](

* wip ([`68ede02`](

* wip ([`86e217a`](

* wip ([`86f1829`](

* wip ([`13268d6`](

* wip ([`799da96`](

* init commit ([`6042c9b`](

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