Maintenance update widening compatibility ranges and consolidating dependencies:
* support for python 3.11 and 3.12, added CI testing
* support for MacOS, added CI testing
* core dependencies have been minimized to `numpy`, `torch`, `lightning`, `scipy`, `pandas`, and `scikit-learn`.
* soft dependencies are available in soft dependency sets: `all_extras` for all soft dependencies, and `tuning` for `optuna` based optimization.
Dependency changes
* the following are no longer core dependencies and have been changed to optional dependencies : `optuna`, `statsmodels`, `pytorch-optimize`, `matplotlib`. Environments relying on functionality requiring these dependencies need to be updated to install these explicitly.
* `optuna` bounds have been updated to `optuna >=3.1.0,<4.0.0`
* `optuna-integrate` is now an additional soft dependency, in case of `optuna >=3.3.0`
Deprecations and removals
* from 1.2.0, the default optimizer will be changed from `"ranger"` to `"adam"` to avoid non-`torch` dependencies in defaults. `pytorch-optimize` optimizers can still be used. Users should set the optimizer explicitly to continue using `"ranger"`.
* from 1.1.0, the loggers do not log figures if soft dependency `matplotlib` is not present, but will raise no exceptions in this case. To log figures, ensure that `matplotlib` is installed.