- BaseTester
- Removed size_of_tsne and added visualizer and visualizer_hook to BaseTester. The visualizer needs to implement the fit and transform functions. (In the next version, I'll allow fit_transform as well.) For example:
UMAP is the dimensionality reducer we will pass in as the visualizer
import umap
import umap.plot
For plotting the embeddings
def visualizer_hook(umapper, umap_embeddings, labels, split_name, keyname):
logging.info("UMAP plot for the {} split and label set {}".format(split_name, keyname))
umap.plot.points(umapper, labels=labels, show_legend=False)
GlobalEmbeddingSpaceTester(visualizer=umap.UMAP(), visualizer_hook=visualizer_hook)
- AccuracyCalculator
- Added include to the init arguments.
- Renamed exclude_metrics to exclude.
- Added the requires_knn method.
- Added check_primary_metrics to AccuracyCalculator, which validates the metrics specified in include and exclude. By wconnell
- HookContainer
- Check if primary_metric is in tester.AccuracyCalculator. By wconnell
- logging_presets
- Added **kwargs to get_hook_container, so that, for example, you can do get_hook_container(record_keeper, primary_metric="AMI")
**Other stuff**
- Added an [example Google Colab notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1fwTC-GRW3X6QiJq6_abJ47On2f3s9e5e) which goes through the entire training/testing workflow.