Enhancements and bug-fixes
This release includes the following enhancements and bug fixes:
- Add a pure python `torch.onnx.export` implementation 484 (thanks take-cheeze!)
- Best observation extension 518 (thanks belltailjp!)
- Add `check_grad` option to `FailOnNonNumber` extension 502
Backward-incompatible changes
- Change `out_dir` to better reflect the fs needs (in order to improve the interoperability with `_PosixFileSystem` manager) 486
This changes the default value of `out_dir` to `''` (which means the current directory) instead of `None` when creating the Writer objects. **If you create a Writer instance without specifying the `out_dir` argument and passing it to an Extension, the output directory will no longer be inherited from the Trainer. Please consider specifying `out_dir` when creating a Writer instance.**
See the list of [merged pull-requests](https://github.com/pfnet/pytorch-pfn-extras/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3Av0.5.7) for the details.