* Add documentation for the sync module p0psicles (133)
* Added option for fetching extended calendar objects and cleaned up calendar building logic p0psicles (133)
* Added load_config function for standalone authentication loading p0psicles (133)
* Ensure sync functions return their responses and allow for raw json data to be used when syncing p0psicles (133)
* Added sync.get_watchlist, sync.get_watched, and sync.get_collection functions p0psicles (133)
* Added pagination options to tv.get_recommended_shows, tv.popular_shows, tv.trending_shows, and tv.updated_shows p0psicles (133)
* Added tv.recommended_shows, tv.played_shows, tv.watched_shows, tv.collected_shows, and tv.anticipated_shows functions p0psicles (133)
* Added TVShow.progress attribute for fetching the progress through a TVShow instance p0psicles (133)