* <u>Testing **MarChemSpec05** against **FastPitz** at 278.15 K - perfect agreement to 6 significant figures</u>;
* Added `theta_Ca_H_MarChemSpec` to combine RGO82 and WM13 equations;
* Added new module **pytzer.tables** to store long lists of coefficients found in tables;
* Added basic **tables** page to documentation, and new ions to the name conventions lists;
* Updated `bC_` functions for `Ca-SO4`, `Ca-HSO4` and `K-HSO4`:
* Used data from new **pytzer.tables** module;
* Relabelled from `P91` to `WM13`, to better reflect their provenance;
* Added `Aosm_MarChemSpec`, which adds a small offset to `Aosm_CRP94` to make it consistent with AW90 and FastPitz;
* Created new **MarChemSpec** **CoefficientDictionary**, with temperature-varying `Aosm_MarChemSpec`;
* Added equations and usage examples to documentation for **pytzer.model**;
* Wrote **pytzer.blackbox** function and quick-start documentation, for easy end-user testing.