**Release created on: 16.06.2024 - 22:47:36**
New Features
* Added CLI flags `-v`/`--verbose` and `-d`/`--debug`.
* Added more verbose and debug messages.
* Enabled quiet mode automatically, if no output file parameter given.
* Added CLI option `--config-file` for all commands.
See 18.
* Allow a user defined `.pyVersioning.yml` location.
* Fall back to predefined `.pyVersioning.yml` file in working directory.
* Added optional CLI argument `<output file>` to command `json`.
* Added optional CLI argument `<output file>` to command `yaml`.
* Bumped dependencies.
* Made CLI argument `<output file>` optional.
* If not present, the content is written to `STDOUT` and quiet mode is activated to avoid further program outputs.
Bug Fixes
* Fixed type annotations.
* GHA: Fixed project name in `Pipeline.yml`
Unit tests
* Added new unit tests for verbose and debug outputs.
* Added new unit test for command `fillout` to check output to `stdout`.
* Added new unit test for command `json` to check the written output file.
* Added new unit test for command `yaml` to check the written output file.
* Improved printing of `stdout` and `stderr`.
* Refactored test code to remove duplications.
/cc navidcity