Notable changes, fixes, and additions since the previous release (1.5.1) are listed below. You can also see a [full list of changes since the previous release](
* `param.__version__` is now a string
* `param.version.Version` now supports a tag-based versioning workflow; if using the `Version` class, you will need to update your workflow (see [autover]( for more details).
* Dropped support for python 2.6 (175).
* No longer attempt to cythonize param during installation via pip (166, 194).
* Allow `get_param_values()` to work on class (162).
* Fixed incorrect default value for `param.Integer` (151).
* Allow a `String` to be `None` if its default is `None` (104).
* Fixed `ListSelector.compute_default()` (212).
* Fixed checks for `None` in various `Parameter` subclasses (208); fixes problems for subclasses of `Parameterized` that define a custom `__nonzero__` or `__len__`.
* Added `DateRange` parameter.
* No longer tested on python 3.2 (unsupported by our test environment; 218).