* Enable transforms for any array size (VkFFT Bluestein algorithm)
* Allow 3D transforms on arrays with >3 dimensions (batch transform)
* Support for transforms on a given list of axes, instead of
only the first ndim axes. Unavailable for R2C.
* Added a simple pyvkfft.fft interface with `fftn`, `ifftn`, `rfftn`, `irfftn`
functions which automatically recognize the type of GPU arrays
and cache the generated VkFFTApp (FFT plans).
* Direct Cosine Transform (DCT) of type 2, 3 and 4 (EXPERIMENTAL)
* Support CuPy arrays in addition to PyCUDA and PyOpenCL
* OpenCL: test for half and double-precision support
* OpenCL: relax accuracy requirements in unit tests
* Fix shape test for out-of-place R2C transforms
* Add a base VkFFTApp class common to OpenCL and CUDA
* Installation: fix macOS compilation. Allow selection of backends
from an environment variable