* Fixed Bug401063: python-pyvtk in Debian (note from Steve M. Robbins).
* Fixed numpy scalar testing (thanks to Andrew Straw, David M. Cooke).
* Added numpy array support (thanks to Norbert Nemec).
* Support for different types of Numeric arrays.
* Fixed missing `import common` in Tensors.py.
* Updated vtk file formats link.
* Added MANIFEST.in to MANIFEST.in;
disabled print statements (feature request: Konrad Hinsen)
* Fixed binary writer for UnstructuredGrid.
* Fixed 256 characters limit bug in header of VTK file (bug report and
fix: Steve M. Robbins)
* Fixed interruption of a `while 1: ..` cycle in PolyData.py
* Fixed writing binary files (bug report and fix: Hans Fangohr)
* Support for Python 1.5, 2.0 is dropped until one asks for it.
* Implemented <Data>.append(<DataSetAttr>).
* <DataSet>.get_points() returns sequence of 3-tuples of points.
* Introduced <DataSet>.<DataSetAttr>() for constructing VTK data
from VTK data structure.
* Implemented VTK data reader from a file with ASCII format.
Usage: VtkData(<filename>, only_structure = 0)
* Finished documentation strings of relevant classes/methods.
* `No data' gives warning (was ValueError).