* Support for Python 3.3+ in addition to Python 2.6+
* statusheaders: ``to_str()`` and ``to_bytes()`` to reconstruct status line and headers, with option to exclude certain headers
* cdxobject improvements:
- ``conv_to_json()`` for serializing to json, with optional list of fields
- ``to_json()`` and ``to_cdxj()``
- Default JSON serialization includes all fields, except starting with ``_``
- Default CDXJ serialization includes all fields, except urlkey and timestamp
- Comparison operators for cdxobject
- Reading cdxline as byte buffer, individual fields as strings (python 3)
* redis: full testing of ``zrangebylex`` with new fakeredis
* timeutils: add ``datetime_to_iso_date``
* cdx indexing refactor: rename ``DefaultRecordIter`` -> ``DefaultRecordParser``, a callable which creates an iterator
* warcrecord loader fully read streams with no content-length, don't force 204
* cookie improvements:
- use httplib cookie pairs directly to avoid concatenated headers (eg. for ``Set-Cookie``)
- don't remove ``max-age`` and ``expires`` when in live rewriting mode
- convert `` UTC`` -> `` GMT`` in expires to avoid Python parsing issues
- remove ``secure`` only if not serving from https
- support custom cookie rewriter
* wombat/client side improvements:
- rewrite ``frameElement`` -> ``WB_wombat_frameElement``, set to null for top replay frame
- Allow changing of ``document.domain``
- Rewrite ``<form action>`` and <input value>`` in ``rewrite_elem``
* Tests: improved tests, replaced doctests of dict output to regular tests for improved compatibility with different python implementations