This version contains all fixes up to pywbem 1.1.3.
Released: 2021-04-26
**Incompatible changes:**
* Unsupported CIM infrastructure versions returned in CIM-XML responses from
WBEM servers are now raised as a new exception `pywbem.CIMVersionError`, and
were previously raised as `pywbem.CIMXMLParseError`.
Unsupported DTD versions and CIM-XML protocol versions returned in CIM-XML
responses from WBEM servers are now raised as new exceptions
`pywbem.DTDVersionError` and `pywbem.ProtocolVersionError`, and were
previously ignored by pywbem.
Since these new exceptions are derived from `pywbem.VersionError` which is
derived from `pywbem.VersionError`, this change is only incompatible
if such unsupported versions were specifically handled by users.
* The `pywbem.WBEMServer.get_selected_profiles()` method now raises
`pywbem.ModelError` instead of `KeyError` when required properties were found
to be missing. This is an incompatible change for users that catch this
exception. (related to issue 2580).
* The operation recorder support added in pywbem 0.9 as an experimental feature
was changed to become internal.
As part of this, the "WBEM operation recording" section has been removed
from the documentation, the operation recorder specific classes are
no longer documented, and the operation recorder specific attributes and
methods of the 'WBEMConnection' class have been declared to be internal
and have been removed from the documentation.
The logging support which uses the operation recorder remains publicly
available. If you are using the operation recorder, please create an issue in
the issue tracker describing how you use it.
**Bug fixes:**
* MOF compiler: Fixed bug where MOF compiler did not correctly install a CIM schema
in a non-default namespace because it tried to get the qualifiers from the
default namespace. (see issue 2502)
* Test: Changed dependency on 'typed-ast' to match the needs of 'astroid' and to
install it only on CPython. This allows re-enabling PyPy3 on Travis.
* Test: Pinned psutil to <=5.6.3 on PyPy2+3 to avoid an installation error.
* Test: Increased the minimum version of 'pyzmq' on Python 3.9 to 19.0.0 to
avoid an installation error.
* Test: Circumvented unicode issue with lxml.etree.fromstring()/XML() on
Python 3.9 by passing in binary strings.
* Test: Adjusted _format()/_ascii2() testcases to PyPy3 behavior with binary vs
unicode results.
* Test: Suppressed pylint warning about 'tracemalloc' methods on PyPy.
* Test: Disabled leaktest in travis also on PyPy3 (in addition to PyPy2).
* Test: Disabled 'make resourcetest' in Travis on Pypy2+3, and suppressed Pylint
issues about using 'tracemalloc' methods and disabled its unit tests.
* Fixed the bug that pywbem allowed reference typed CIMQualifier and
CIMQualifierDeclaration objects. DSP0004 disallows reference types on
qualifiers and qualifier declarations. This fix now causes CIM-XML responses
received from a WBEM server with reference typed qualifier values and qualifier
declarations to raise `pywbem.CIMXMLParseError` from `WBEMConnection`
* Fixed a `DeprecationWarning` issued by urllib3 about using the
`whitelist_methods` parameter of `Retry`.
* Security: Increased minimum version of 'PyYAML' to 5.2 on Python 3.4 and to
5.3.1 on Python 2.7 and >=3.5 to address security issues reported by safety.
The relevant functions of 'PyYAML' are not used by pywbem, though.
* Security: Increased minimum version of 'urllib3' to 1.24.2 on Python 3.4 and
to 1.25.9 on Python 2.7 and >=3.5 to address security issues reported by
safety. To support these versions of 'urllib3', increased minimum version of
'requests' to 2.20.1 on Python 3.4 and to 2.22.0 on Python 2.7 and >=3.5.
* Security: Increased minimum versions of several packages that are needed only
for test or development of pywbem to address security issues reported by
safety: requests-toolbelt to 0.8.0; lxml to 4.6.2 (except for Python 3.4);
pylint to 2.5.2 and astroid to 2.4.0 on Python >=3.5; typed-ast to 1.3.2 on
Python 3.4; twine to 3.0.0 on Python >=3.6; pkginfo to 1.4.2; bleach to 3.1.2
on Python 3.4 and to 3.1.4 on Python 2.7 and Python >=3.5.
* Fixed issue on GitHub Actions with macos by no longer running "brew update"
in pywbem_os_setup.sh. (issue 2544)
* Docs: Fixed incorrect attribute name 'provider_classnames' in method provider
example. (issue 2564)
* Mitigated the coveralls HTTP status 422 by pinning coveralls-python to
* Test: Add tests to test_mof_compiler to test for errors where the namespace
name component of the namespace pragma is missing.
* In `CIMNamespaceProvider.post_register_setup()`, fixed an `AttributeError`
when accessing the 'Name' property of a CIM instance (related to issue 2580).
* In the `MOFCompiler` class, fixed that if a MOF instance already exists, the
ModifyInstance operation failed because the instance path was not specified.
The fix is to construct the instance path from the key properties in instance
specified in MOF. That fix has the limitation that it does not account for
instance providers that add key properties or that ignore provided key
properties (e.g. InstanceID). (issue 2586)
* Corrected issue in pywbem_mock where DeleteQualifier() was not checking whether
the qualifier was used in any classes in the namespace before being deleted.
(see 2585)
* Fixed an incorrect calculation of the min/max values for the server response
time in the statistics support of pywbem (issue 2599)
* Security - Add safety issue 40072 (lxml version 4.6,3) to safety ignore
list. No change to pywbem since we apparently do not use the affected
component (see issue 2645)
* Test: Pinned decorator package to python <=5.0.0 on Python 2+3.4 because
decorator 5.0.0 does not support python < 3.5 (see issue 2647)
* Fix pywem_mock issue with Delete class not calling providers to handle
the DeleteInstance (see issue 2643)
* Test: Workaround for BadStatusLine issue in test_WBEMListener_send_indications
test function. This is not a fix for the root cause of the issue. For details,
see pywbem issue 2659.
* Fixed installation of 'pywinpty' package on Python 2.7 by pinning it to <1.0.
It failed because it does not declare its supported Python versions.
(see issue 2680)
* Fixed that the test workflow ignored errors that occurred during 'make install'
and 'make develop', by splitting the multiple commands in these steps into
separate steps.
* Finalized the pywbem mock support. (issue 2651)
* Logging: Added a value 'off' for the log destination in the
``pywbem.configure_logging()`` function that disables logging.
(part of issue 86)
* Improved exception handling during the parsing of CIM-XML responses received
from a WBEM server. Exceptions that were raised as TypeError or ValueError
during the creation of CIM objects that are part of the operation result, are
now raised as pywbem.CIMXMLParseError. Note that this is not an incompatible
change because users were already potentially getting pywbem.CIMXMLParseError
exceptions in other cases. (see issue 2512)
* Test: Added CIM-XML testcases in the area of instance paths. (see issue 2514)
* Docs: Clarified that `pywbem.type_from_name()` returns `CIMInstanceName` for
type name "reference", even though for use in CIM method parameters,
`CIMClassName` is also valid.
* Issued a new `pywbem.MissingKeybindingsWarning` warning if a `CIMInstanceName`
object that does not have any keybindings gets converted to CIM-XML by calling
its `tocimxml()` method, or gets converted to a WBEM URI by calling its
`to_wbem_uri()` method, or gets parsed from CIM-XML via an INSTANCENAME
element without keybindings. This is motivated by the fact that DSP0004 does
not allow instance paths without keys (section 8.2.5). (See issue 2514)
* Reduced memory consumption of CIM objects and CIM types by defining their
attributes to use Python slots. (see issue 2509)
* Reduced memory consumption of CIM objects by using lazy initialization of
dictionary-type attributes. This resulted in significant savings when the
attribute is typically unused, for example in ``CIMInstance.qualifiers``.
(see issue 2511)
* Added Python 3.9 to the supported Python versions and added tests for
it on Travis.
* Added a check for the DTDVERSION attribute value in CIM-XML responses from
WBEM servers to start with '2.'. A different version of the CIM-XML DTD
standard DSP0203 was never published, so this is not expected to be an
incompatible change.
* Unsupported versions for CIM infrastructure, DTD or protocol version returned
in CIM-XML responses from WBEM servers are now raised as new exceptions
`pywbem.CIMVersionError`, `pywbem.DTDVersionError`, and
`pywbem.ProtocolVersionError`, respectively. These new exceptions are
derived from the existing exception `pywbem.VersionError`. Previously,
unsupported CIM infrastructure versions were raised as
`pywbem.CIMXMLParseError`, and unsupported DTD or protocol versions were
ignored by pywbem.
* Removed the pinning of Pylint to 2.5.2 on Python >=3.5. Disabled the following
warnings that were newly reported by the latest version (2.6.0) of Pylint:
'signature-differs' because it does not recognize compatible signature changes;
'raise-missing-from' and 'super-with-arguments' because these issues cannot
reasonably be addressed as long as Python 2.7 is supported.
* In the makefile, added an ignore list for issues reported by safety along
with the reasons why each issue is ignored. This allowed enforcing that the
safety command reports no issues.
* Migrated from Travis and Appveyor to GitHub Actions. This required several
changes in package dependencies for development.
* Docs: Added examples to the `pywbem.siunit()` and `pywbem.siunit_obj()`
* Extend the MOF compiler so that the pywbem_mock can compile MOF containing
the namespace pragma that defines a namespace other than the one defined in
the compile_mof_string() or compile_mof_file() methods namespace parameter if
the namespace exists. Extend documentation on use of the namespace parameter
to reflect the behavior if the MOF contains a namespace pragma. Since the
code gives precedence to tha pragma over the namespace specified
in in the namespace parameter, the documentation reflects this. (see issue
2256 partial fix).
* The `pywbem.siunit()` function supported the PUnit format as defined in
DSP0004. It turned out that the CIM Schema used PUnit qualifiers with a
slightly extended format where the numeric modifiers were the middle instead
of just at the end. Extened the PUnit format supported by the `siunit()`
function accordingly. (issue 2574)
* Improved and fixed the messages in the compile log of class `MOFCompiler`
and ensured that the target namespace of the compiled objects is included
in the messages and added messages for changes to the target namespace
caused by 'pragma namespace' directives.
* The 'mof_compiler' script now displays the compiled objects and their target
namespace when specifying verbose mode (-v option).
* Improvements in `pywbem_mock.CIMNamespaceProvider` and `pywbem.WBEMServer` to
more cleanly handle Interop namespaces (related to issue 2580).
* Improvements in the log messages of the `MOFCompiler` class.
(related to issue 2586)
* Added a `close()` method to `pywbem.WBEMConnection` that closes the underlying
session of the 'requests' package. This avoids the ResourceWarning
'unclosed socket' that the 'requests' package issued so far when the Python
process terminates. Added the ability for `pywbem.WBEMConnection` to be used
as a context manager, that closes the connection at the end. (see issue 2591)
* Added a mechanism to suspend the statistics counting of server time if
one or more operations do not return the server response time, in order to
prevent incorrect interpretations of the counters when only a subset of the
operations returned server response time. (issue 2603)
* Added validation tests to pywbem_mock ModifyClass to limit classes
that can be modified (no subclasses, and no instances exist, and
correct superclass) (see issue 2447)
* Docs: Used 'autodocsumm' Sphinx extension for generating attribute and method
summary tables for classes in the documentation. Moved documentation of some
base classes into a new 'Base Classes' section in the appendix.
* Added a `conn_close()` method to the `pywbem.MOFCompiler` class that closes
the underlying connection. Used that function in the 'mof_compiler' script
to remove a ResourceWarning about unclosed sockets. (issue 2610)
* Added 'make perftest' to run performance tests. At this point, the performance
tests measure the sending of indications to the pywbem.WBEMListener.
* Test: Added support for end2end testing of WBEM servers based on server and
vault files of the 'easy-server' Python package. The server files can specify
WBEM servers and their expected supported functions. WBEM servers can be
somewhere in the network or can be containers on DockerHub which are
automatically pulled and started. At this point, the OpenPegasus container on
DockerHub is used and the end2end tests are run in the GitHub Actions test
workflow on Ubuntu (Docker is not available in GHithub Actions on Windows or
* Dev: Optimized the dependencies in the Makefile such that "make build" does
not execute the commands again on subsequent invocations. (issue 3167)
* Test: Fixed all remaining ResourceWarnings during test. (issue 86)
* Test: Cleaned up DeprecationWarning for the propagation of key property values
introduced in pywbem 1.1.0. (see issue 2498)
* Add index section to generated documentation.
* Fixed new issues reported by pylint 2.7.0. At the same time, needed to
temporarily pin pylint to <2.7.0 and astroid to <2.5.0 due to massive
elongation of the run time of pylint in the pywbem project.
* Added tests for pywbem_mock ModifyClass request operation to test the
validation exceptions and correctness of modified class. (see issue 2210)
* Cleaned up TODOs noted in pywbem and pywbem_mock to fix any that were actually
bugs, etc. and either create issues or mark the others as FUTURE with more
explanation. (See issue 2491)
* Enforced that the pywbem source code does not contain any TODOs (pylint fixme).
Note that the pywbem test code may still contain TODOs.
* Removed remove_duplicate_setuptools.py script since the project is no longer
using Travis.
**Known issues:**
* On Python 3.4, the urllib3 package is pinned to <1.25.8 because 1.25.9 removed
Python 3.4 support. As a consequence,
`safety issue <https://github.com/pyupio/safety-db/blob/master/data/insecure_full.json>`_
38834 cannot be addressed on Python 3.4.